CyberStore Documentation
Shopping Cart Logic
In This Topic

The CyberStore shopping cart plays an integral part in the shopper's e-commerce journey. In this topic the capabilities and logic used in the cart are explained.

In versions of CyberStore prior to Release 2023, the shopping cart is emptied of all items upon logout or a session timing out. Aditionally, in pre-2023 cart account holders could share logins and maintain separate shopping carts across these sessions effectively allowing multiple individuals to shop completely independent of each other.


Calculating Shopping Cart Item Count

The shopping cart item count is the total number of items in the cart at a given point of time. This is calculated by adding up all quantites of all lines in the cart.

Recalculating Items in the Shopping Cart

The shopping cart automatically recalculates whenever a line is added, updated or deleted. This is true whether the changes are made interactively in the ShoppingCartDisplayControl, the ShoppingCartQuickEntryControl or programatically using any of the CyberStore Cart Web Service or CyberStore Inventory Web Service methods.

Recalculation performs the following checks:

See Also
