CyberStore E-Payment 2023 Documentation
Cyber Security Enhancements (#20242)
In This Topic

The following system enhancements have been added to further increase security components of the platform.


Removing Certain HTTP Headers from Page Details

When building web pages for a CyberStore site, certain HTTP headers have been disabled to minimize providing information about the system.

Updating Script Minification to JavaScript EcmaScript 6 (ES6)

When selecting the option in to minify widgets from within the Site Scripts tab of the Site Manager > Site Configuration screen, the resulting, minified scripts will use the JavaScript ES6 (also known as ECMAScript 2015 or ECMAScript 6) standard for JavaScript instead of the previously rendered in JavaScript ES5 style code.


This change makes slight performance improvements while improves security by no longer supporting Internet Explorer browsers.

Updated System and Third-Party Components

As part of staying current with fixes and updates, the DevExpress and DomPurify libraries used with system controls and widgets were updated to the latest versions.