CyberStore E-Payment 2023 Documentation
Google Tag Integration for Google Analytics 4 (GA4) (#16096)

Available in v2023.1.9 and newer, withing the Integration tab of the Site Configuration screen for Site Manager, the Google Analytics Tracking section has been updated to allow for designating which version of Google Analytic script should be used.

As of July 2023, the Universal Analytics (UA) version has been deprecated by Google, and so the Tag Manager (GA4) version should be used in most cases.

If you have created a new tracker site ID in Google Analytics dashboard to use with the tag manager, then update the tracker ID field accordingly.

Once enabled the script will automatically use the appropriate version for both standard page tracking events, as well as sales order purchase events if the Google Ecommerce check box is selected.

For more detailed and technical information, see the Google Analytics Integration topic.

See Also

Site Manager


Release Notes