CyberStore E-Payment 2023 Documentation
CatalogItemImageZoomControl Class
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Dovetail.Ecommerce.Controls Namespace : CatalogItemImageZoomControl Class

A catalog Item image zoom control. Introduced in v2.5.


The CatalogItemImageZoomControl is a sub control of the CatalogItemImageControl. It allows Items with unlimited Item detail photos to display them to the shopper and viewed with a thumbnail slider-type navigation between photos. The control also provides functionality for an optional zoom feature for each Item detail photo.


The CatalogItemImageZoomControl will automatically be used by the CatalogItemImageControl when its EnableZoom property is set to true, and at least one Item detail photo file can be found for the Item.

The images used for the Item detail photos are managed in Item Maintenance using the "Item Image" pop-up and are stored in the Site folder designated by the "Item Detail Folder Name" setting in the Path tab of the Site Configuration settings.

Image Processing

The functionality of the CatalogItemImageZoomControl renders four different variations of each Item detail photo. These are:

Item Image Variation  Description
Item Detail Photo The rendered version of the of the image when the page loads.
Item Detail Thumbnail The rendered small version of the Item Detail Photo found in the thumbnail slider.
Item Detail Zoom The rendered large version of the Item Detail Photo contained and cropped within the mouseover zoom window.
Item Detail Pop Up The rendered large version of the Item Detail Photo contained within the  zoom pop-up.

The control handles the creation of optimized versions of the uploaded Item detail photo for use with each of the variations. 


When creating your images for use as Item Detail photos, save them at the maximum displayed resolution and pixel dimensions.

The CatalogItemImageZoomControl downsizes versions in the system image cache at natural dimensions based on the image width and height settings for each variation.


Property Usage

By changing the values of the control's properties in the SitePages.config file for your Site, you can enable or disable certain behaviors, set certain defaults, alter aspects of the display or otherwise cusomtize your site's implementaion of the control.

The following describes properties pertaining to key functional areas of the control that can be configured to suit your needs.

To turn off the mouse-over zoom functionality of the CatalogItemImageZoomControl, use the ZoomPosition property. Set the property value to None.


This setting does not disable the click-to-enlarge feature.

To activate the zoom capability of an image via in the CatalogImageZoomControl or in other related controls, set the value for the EnableZoom property to true 

Properties Inherited from the Base CyberStoreBaseControl

Properties specific to the CyberStoreBaseControl can be listed in the following categories:

Override Properties

When the IgnoreControl property is set to true, all processing of a control is skipped, and the control's Visible property is set to false ensuring that it is not rendered in the resulting CyberStore page.

Contextual Properties

Contextual properties define specific details about the current instance of the control based on context. Context can be set by any number of factors including the log in state of the Shopper, the Site being visited, or the properties that have been established for a control.

The AttributesBag property is used internal to control processing and is the collection of attributes, or properties, and their values based on how the control is configured. The attributes in this property are set by processing the SitePages.config file as well as any specific declared property values in any registered sub controls. It allows for the passing down of all properties to a control and any registered sub controls.

The ComConfigUserData and Site_ID properties are read-only values made available to all CyberStore controls to aid in processing and establishing context about the Site and Shopper.

See an example of how to configure this control in SitePages.config.
<Control src="CatalogItemDetailControl.ascx"
Control Markup

The following is the markup for this control.

Developer's Note:

To create a custom version of the control, copy all of the code below into a file of the same name and place it into your Site's control folder (e.g., ../YourSiteFolder/Control). The CyberStore page engine will then override the default markup with your customized version.


<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="CatalogItemImageZoomControl.ascx.cs" Inherits="Dovetail.Ecommerce.Controls.CatalogItemImageZoomControl" %>
<div class="CatalogProductDetailPicture">

<dx:ASPxImageZoom ID="imageZoom" ClientInstanceName="zoom" runat="server" AssociatedImageZoomNavigatorID="zoomNavigator" 
        SettingsZoomMode-MouseBoxOpacityMode="Inside"  />
        <div class="zoomNavigatorWrapper">
            <dx:ASPxImageZoomNavigator ID="zoomNavigator" runat="server" >
                    <NavigatorHorizontal Margins-MarginTop="10" />
                    <Thumbnail BackColor="Transparent" SelectedStyle-Border-BorderWidth="1" SelectedStyle-Border-BorderStyle="Solid" SelectedStyle-Border-BorderColor="Gray" />
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


CatalogItemImageZoomControl Members
Dovetail.Ecommerce.Controls Namespace
CatalogItemImageControl Reference