.NET Remoting Service
A program that runs as an installed service on the SYSPRO Server and provides access to the e.net Objects. This communication mechanism is intended for sole use with CyberStore.
Abandoned Cart
The shopping cart is abandoned when a logged-in shopper ends their session on the CyberStore site by passively timing out, or actively logging out. It will be released from its abandoned state when the next time a shopper logs in. Item pricing and availability is determined again when the abandonment is released.Account
An individual user of the website who purchases online; may be either an existing or new Customer.Account Item List
An Item List available only to the user who logs in with the specified Account. It can be managed by the Site manager in the CyberStore Console or by the Site visitor when logged into the front-end.AD User
Active Directory User.Administrator Accounts
A CyberStore Account who when logged in is able to perform certain administrative functions that affect other Accounts associated with the same Customer.Short for "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML" is a set of Web development techniques using many web technologies on the client side to create asynchronous Web applications. With Ajax, web applications can send and retrieve data from a server asynchronously (in the background) without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page. By decoupling the data interchange layer from the presentation layer, Ajax allows web pages, and by extension web applications, to change content dynamically without the need to reload the entire page"
source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajax_(programming)
All Customer Account
A CyberStore shopper's Account that is set to be associated with All Customers via Account Maintenance.Allow
To grant a right (opposite of Deny).Alternative Part Number
A Part Number which is an alternate identifier, or synonym to an item's stock code or model number. Alternative part numbers further extend the descriptive META data of an Item, but are not themselves Items. There may be one, none, or many alternative part numbers for an Item.Anonymous User
The Account that users run under before they log in.API
An Application Programming Interface. Software components use this protocol to communicate with each other.The verification process through which a user's access to CyberStore must be approved.
A Business-to-Consumer model in which the shopper makes purchases directly from you as a business or organization (i.e., the retailer).
The catalog is the full scope of all Items in your CyberStore, approved or not, and are most often grouped into Item Categories and made available for display in different combinations via View Lists and Customer Class.Category
A web-only grouping of Items or subcategories.Category page
A CyberStore page that displays information about a Category. Its page address contains the eCommerce application path immediately followed by /category/ plus the actual Category path. For example: "/ecommerce/category/category-name/subcategory-name/sub-subcategory-name/..."Category path
A sequence of Categories in URL form that proceeds from left to right. As such, the leftmost entity is the highest level Category in the sequence, and each Category level becomes progressively lower as the sequence moves to the right. All Category names are in URL form and are formatted in lowercase. For example: "/performance-bicycles/mountain-bikes"Characteristics
Custom fields of data that are unique to your use of CyberStore.Client Code
A code generated when the client registers with the Cyberstore Connect interface that helps to authenticate their identity.Client Registration
The process of creating a new CyberStore Connect client in the application Console.Client Session ID
A unique identifier created by the application that runs on your registered client application.Control
An individual component that provides specific CyberStore functionality.Customer
A company you do business with, equivalent to a SYSPRO Customer.Customer Class
A web-only grouping of Customer types.Customer Item List
An Item List available to every user logged in with an Account that links to the Customer. It can be managed by the Site manager in the CyberStore Console or by a shopper who is a Customer Administrator when logged into the front-end .Customer Notifications
Copies of certain system emails that can be sent to a Customer's default email address.
Default Customer
The SYSPRO Customer used for all B2C Accounts.Default Price
The unit price for the Site's default Customer.Default Warehouse
A field on an Item containing a warehouse code. "The item's default warehouse."Deny
To remove a right (opposite of Allow).Disable
To turn something off (opposite of Enable).Discount Price
The Customer Price adjusted by an external discount.Distributor
The company, location, outlet, dealer, etc. that sells your product either online or in traditional storefronts.
Featured Photo
A featured photo is an image used in an Item listing, featured Item control, hot buy control, and Shopping Cart. There are two featured photos per Item, commonly referred to as Photo1 and Photo2.
To make something invisible (opposite of Show).Hostname
"In computer networking, a hostname [...] is a label that is assigned to a device connected to a computer network and that is used to identify the device in various forms of electronic communication such as the World Wide Web. Hostnames may be simple names consisting of a single word or phrase, or they may be structured. On the Internet, hostnames may have appended the name of a Domain Name System (DNS) Domain, separated from the host-specific label by a period ("dot"). In the latter form, a hostname is also called a Domain name. If the Domain name is completely specified, including a top-level Domain of the Internet, then the hostname is said to be a fully qualified Domain name (FQDN). Hostnames that include DNS Domains are often stored in the Domain Name System together with the IP addresses of the host they represent for the purpose of mapping the hostname to an address, or the reverse process."
- from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostname (4/13/2016)
Internet Information Services.Include
To expand in scope (opposite of Exclude).Inventory Buffer
The Inventory Buffer is a CybeStore specific number that can be set by Site, or per Item which when set reduces the on hand quantity for an Item using inventory value in SYSPRO based on the Site's "On Hand Quantity Basis" setting found in Catalog Configuration found in the Site Manager.IP Address
Internet Protocol address - a numerical label assigned to each device (e.g., computer, printer) participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication.
Visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_address for more information about the use and history of IP addresses.Item
A product for sale on the website.Item detail photo
A detailed photo (or other graphic) associated with an Item, and intended to be used on the Item page.Item Details
Data that defines an Item.Item List
A custom list of Items that can be used by front-end users when logged into the CyberStore Site.A unique landing page for an Item that displays detailed information about the Item.
Its page address contains the eCommerce application path immediately followed by /product/ plus the actual Item URL path.
For example: "/ecommerce/item/stockcode/item-name/..."A variation of a Item used to further define how it will behave.
Available Item Types include: Stock Code, Model and SKU. Using Item types let you manage how you organize your Items and display them to your online shoppers
Keep Alive
A function that allows the user to navigate away from the CyberStore Site while still remaining logged into their current session.
Line Price
The unit price used for an Order Detail line that will result in the Web Price being the final unit price on a Sales Order.Listing Control
A CyberStore control used to list information about Items and/or Categories.Live Update
A feature built into parts of the CyberStore system that refresh their underlying data sources in real-time, automatically every few seconds.
Maximum Number of Ship Days
The furthest number of days in the future that a visitor can request a ship date when checking out. The number of days set is added to Today for the purpose of calculating a valid requested ship date timeline.Minimum Number of Ship Days
The earliest number of days in the future that a visitor can request a ship date when checking out. The number of days set is added to Today for the purpose of calculating a valid requested ship date timeline.Model
A grouping of Items from SYSPRO that are similar across various Characteristics (e.g., color, style).
On Hand Quantity Basis
The On Hand Quantity Basis is a Site setting used to determine which state of inventory (Available, Unallocated, On Hand, or Future Free) to use when determining on hand inventory.Operation Agent
The Operation Agent is a separate console application installed on the web server which is used by the CyberStore to perform various on-demand or scheduled tasks. Operation Agent tasks are called Operations.Operation Command
One of several pre-built procedure that can be executed by the Operation Agent (such as UpdateAllItemsSYSPRO).Operation Transaction
A single execution of an Operation Command (such as UpdateAllItemsSYSPRO)
Page File
A file with the .ASPX extension.Parent Category
Categories can include other Categories. When a Category is a Sub Category, the Category that contains it is known as a "Parent Category."Part Number
A unique string of characters used as an identifier for an Item. By example, stock codes, model numbers, SKUs, and Alternative Part Numbers are all part numbers.Placeholder
A tag that determines where a particular CyberStore control appears on the page.Price
The unit price for the order line.Price per Unit
An optional, secondary price displayed for an Item that is calculated using a Relative Unit of Measure compared to the Stocking Unit of Measure. For example: a box of cereal that is sold by the BOX at $3.99 may display a "price per unit" of 24.9¢ / oz when a Relative Unit of "oz" is defined as a BOX divided by 16 (e.g., 1 BOX = 16 oz).
Replacement Tags
Reserved words contained in square bracket expressions. They are used by certain CyberStore front-end controls to add dynamic data into messages or other display texts.
Example: "[qty]" = Quantity
Service User
The user Account that runs a particular service (i.e., Remoting Service).Session
The finite time during which the user is logged into CyberStore and is active. It will track details about the user. Each time a user logs out signifies the end of that particular session.Session Token
The unique identifier that tracks a single user to a unique login in a specific browsing session.Session Variable
ASP.NET session state enables you to store and retrieve values for a user as the user navigates ASP.NET pages in a Web application. HTTP is a stateless protocol. This means that a Web server treats each HTTP request for a page as an independent request. The server retains no knowledge of variable values that were used during previous requests. ASP.NET session state identifies requests from the same browser during a limited time window as a session, and provides a way to persist variable values for the duration of that session.
Source: ASP.NET Session State Overview from Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN)Show
To make something visible (opposite of Hide).SKU
An Item available for purchase that is associated with a Model.A series of Item Characteristics that can be used to select from multiple SKUs of a Model. They are typically represented as a comma-separated list of Family/Characteristic sets.
For example: "Specifications/Size,Specifications/Color"SMTP
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) - an Internet standard protocol for sending and receiving emails.
Visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_Mail_Transfer_Protocol for more information on the use and history of SMTP.SSL
Secure Socket Layer - the industry standard for providing securely encrypted communications between a web server and the user's web browser. This is the same level of security provided by online banking websites. For more information about the different types of SSL Certificates, visit www.CyberStoreForSYSPRO.com/SSL-Comparison-Chart.Stock Code
A unique identifier for the Item. It may represent a Stock Code in SYSPRO or a CyberStore Model Number. The field can only be edited for Models.
Named for the Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol, TCP/IP is the Internet protocol suite, or computer networking model and set of communications protocols used on the Internet and similar computer networks.
Visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_protocol_suite for more information about the use and history of TCP/IP.Theme
A collection of folders and files that establish the design and formatting of your site’s pages.Theming
The process of branding your CyberStore Site.Transaction Cycle
Most Operation Commands are designed to perform bulk actions on many records per transaction, when this is the case a cycle is an individual iteration through the process performed by the command.
Unique Unit of Measure
A unique unit of measure is any unit of measure for an Item that has either a calculation basis not equal to 1, or a different unit of measure label when compared to the Stocking Unit of Measure in SYSPRO.Unit Price
The price per unit for an Item based on a specific Customer, currency and quantity.
A web-only grouping of Categories that allow for the controlling product viewing access so that different visitors can see different subsets of available Items.
Warehouse to Use
A field in the definition of a Customer that stores a warehouse code. "A customer's warehouse to use."Web Operator
The Web Operator is the SYSPRO user account that the CyberStore application will use to login to SYSPRO using e.net.Web Price
The Discount Price adjusted by a CyberStore web discount.Web Total Price
The total price of an certain number of the same Item calculated by multiplying the Web Price of the Item by the Quantity.