The CyberStore Quick Order Entry feature has been enhanced in several ways intended to add further value and motivation for your Site visitors.
The new features include:
- Automatic search for stock code and name – when a user types four characters, the system will search both the stock code and name fields of all available items for a match and show results to the user allowing for a click to select feature.
- Integrated On Hand Quantity lookup – when enabled, the quick order entry will return available on hand quantity along with pricing. Note that on hand quantity utilizes the On Hand Quantity Basis as defined in the Site Manager > Catalog Configuration > Quantity Settings option.
- Real time Add to Cart – All lines added in Quick Order Entry are automatically added to the Cart, in fact Quick Order Entry loads the entire Cart into the list of lines.
- Unlimited Lines – Site visitors can add lines to any amount (the default number of rows is set by the Rows property of the CatalogItemQuickOrderEntry control.
- Extended Line and Order Totals – Lines are totaled based on quantity desired, and a running subtotal is also displayed.