CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Front-End Improvements
In This Topic

Version 2.11 includes the following improvements to CyberStore front-end controls and user experience elements:

Additional Category Logic to CatalogCategoryBreadcrumbControl to Handle Choosing Category on an Item Detail Page (#6975)

The CatalogCategoryBreadcrumbControl can now track the most recent Category page that the user visited. This determines which Category is displayed in a breadcrumb on an "Item Detail" page.

This improvement also includes two new properties to help determine which values to display in the breadcrumb:

Property Description Default Value Available Replacement Tags
BreadcrumbItemLabelText The text displayed at the Item level of the breadcrumb. "", results in Item Name.
  • [Item_Name] - the Name (SYSPRO Description) of the Item.
  • [Item_StockCode] - the Stock Code of the Item.
  • [Item_Headline] - the CyberStore Headline of the Item.
  • [Item_SubHeadline] - the CyberStore Sub Headline of the Item.
  • [Item_ShortDescription] - the CyberStore Short Description of the Item.
  • [Item_LongDescription2] - the Long Description 2 (SYSPRO Long Description) of the Item.
BreadcrumbModelLabelText The text displayed at the Model level of the breadcrumb. "", results in Model Name.
  • [Model_Name] - the CyberStore Name of the SKU Item's Model.
  • [Model_StockCode] - the CyberStore StockCode of the SKU Item's Model.
  • [Model_Headline] - the CyberStore Headline of the Item
  • [Model_SubHeadline] - the CyberStore Sub Headline of the SKU Item's Model.
  • [Model_ShortDescription] - the CyberStore Short Description of the SKU Item's Model.
  • [Model_LongDescription2] - the Long Description 2 (SYSPRO Long Description) of the SKU Item's Model.

OverrideCategoryList Property for All ListingControl Controls (#6976)

For all Categories that inherit the ListingControl, you can use the OverrideCategoryList property to specify a comma-separated list of Category IDs. With this list, you can override the default search Category scope.

Additional CSS Classes for Price Labels and Amounts in CatalogPricingControl (#6988)

Each price type in the CatalogPricingControl now has a unique CSS class within the Label and Amount texts. This means that you can edit each of these texts individually.

Additionally, CyberStore injects a WebDiscountedCSSClass into other pricing Labels and Amounts in the CatalogPricingControl. Therefore, when a web price is displayed, you have more formatting options.

See the table below for the new available control properties and their default classes:

Property Name Default Value
DefaultPriceCSSClass DefaultPrice
CustomerPriceCSSClass CustomerPrice
DiscountPriceCSSClass DiscountPrice
WebPriceCSSClass WebPrice
SavingsMessageCSSClass SavingsMessage
WebDiscountedCSSClass WebDiscounted

Improvements to CatalogCategoryNavigationControl (#6992)

We have made the following improvements to the CatalogCategoryNavigationControl:

Allow for Setting a Specified URL to Redirect to When Clicking Continue Shopping in the Cart (#7069)

When you click the Continue Shopping button, by default the Site redirects you to the last known e-commerce page you visited. Otherwise, you are redirected to the site's homepage. To override this setting and to designate a specific e-commerce page, set the value of the ContinueButtonUrl property to any valid CyberStore URL.

See the example below for SitePages.config:

Copy Code
<Control src="shoppingcartDisplayControl.ascx" Name="ShoppingCart"

Using ENTER Key on Various Actions Defaults to Desired Action (#7078)

When you use the Enter button on your front-end Site, the following default activities take place, depending on your location within the Site:

Area Default ENTER Key Action
Search Box Executes search using entered keywords and Categories.
Add to Cart Clicks the Add to Cart button.
Account Registration Clicks the Continue button.
Checkout Clicks the Continue button.
Shopping Cart Clicks the Recalculate button.

Automatically Add an Item When Creating a New Item List on an Item Page (#7092)

When you add a new Item List (Account or Customer type) using the "Item List" pop-up on an "Item Detail" page, the current selected Item is automatically added to that new list.