CyberStore Oasis Documentation
2.11.1 Maintenance Release (October 28, 2016)
In This Topic

We have introduced a new system of Maintenance releases beginning with the 2.11.1 update.

The CyberStore 2.11.1 maintenance release includes the following database design changes, optimizations, and bug fixes within the 2.11 release cycle.

Web Promotion Improvements

Free Shipping Promotion (#7196)

Shoppers can use certain gift certificates and promotions to apply free shipping to their orders.

To allow this, in the Console, go to Setup > Promotion Maintenance. Use the Add or Edit buttons to create or modify a Gift Certificate/Promotion. Check the "Free Shipping" box under the General tab in the "Gift Certificate Maintenance" pop-up.

During Step 3 of checkout, the shopper should enter the designated code for the certificate or promotion in the "Payment Method" text box. If it is valid for that order, the shipping cost becomes and remains "0.00".

We have not changed what constitutes a valid Gift Certificate/Promotion.

To read more about our promotion options, visit our Promotion Maintenance page.

Console Improvements

Increase Database Size of Email Address Columns in COM_EmailMessage (#7189)

The email address fields in the COM_EmailMessages table are used by the "Email Manager." You can now accomodate email addresses with an unlimited amount of characters in these fields. 

Add List and MultiSelectList Support into CharacteristicValueDisplayControl (#7197)

You can use the Text and ImageUrl rendering options in CharacteristicValueDisplayControl to maintain List- and MultiSelectList-type Characteristics.

Bug Fixes

For more information, or for specific details about any of these bug fixes, please contact Please include the bug number (as listed above) in your request.