CyberStore Oasis Documentation
System Improvements
In This Topic

CyberStore Version 2.12 includes the following system improvements:

Update to DevExpress v. 16.2 (#7421)

DevExpress controls are used with CyberStore. Version 16.2 of the DevExpress library have been included in this release.

Breaking Changes

This release includes changes to DevExpress controls. These changes may result in breaking custom Site controls if there are adjustments in the third-party library.

To assist with upgrading your custom controls, we recommend using the DevExpress Markup Updater tool as follows:

  1. Download the DevExpress Markup Updater Tool (download here).
  2. Copy the download to your CyberStore server or a local machine that has access to your Site folder.
  3. Run the updater executable.
  4. When prompted, point the application to the /Control directory in your Site folder
  5. Run the updater.

Note: The updater only resolves specific DevExpress changes and may not resolve all possible upgrade issues involving custom controls.

To review the list of affected CyberStore controls, see the Modified Controls in v. 2.12 topic.

Microsoft .NET Framework v. 4.6.2 (#7422)

As a result, CyberStore now uses .NET Framework version 4.6.2. You must upgrade to this latest version before you can run CyberStore version 2.12. To upgrade to version 4.6.2, follow this link and the instructions on that page:

When you try to upgrade to or install version 2.12 without this, you receive the following pop-up:



Click Yes within the pop-up. This upgrade is necessary in order to complete the upgrade to or installation of version 2.12.

Ignore "Thread Aborted Exceptions" and Prevent from Logging (#7388)

Certain events in normal CyberStore page processing abort a processing thread in order to properly redirect users throughout their visit. This normal behavior should not result in logging errors in the Event Log. This improvement allows the normal process to continue without signaling an error.

Inclusion of Updated Code Signing Certificate for 2017 (#7536)

As part of normal process, a code signing certificate is used in the CyberStore installation program to validate Dovetail Internet Technologies, LLC as the developer of the code. The certificate has been updated for 2017.

Addition of Warehouse Fields into Order Tables to Allow for Use with Custom SORTOI Transformations (#7458)

The are new CustomerWarehouse and ItemWarehouse fields in the CyberStore database tables. In addition, these fields have been added to the data available to the SORTOI.xslt when performing custom transformations into the SORTOI business object.  

The new fields are available for transformation by reading them from the following nodes:

See Also

XSLT Files