CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Bug Fixes in Version 2.13

The following bugs have been repaired as of Version 2.13: 

PRICING: TPM Percentage Promotion removes percentage based on quantity (#7580)

CHECKOUT: When shipping is calculated to be $0.00 by shipping method, no freight line is passed on in the order to SYSPRO (#7066)
CHECKOUT: Order Alerts: Order Number replaced by OrderID in email body (#7381)
CHECKOUT: SYSPRO 6.1: Orders fail on with Zip+4 containing embedded dash (#7540)
CHECKOUT: Credit Limit Exceeded message appearing for all orders (#7808)

ACCOUNT: Edit Account: When changing email address, the edit is not saved, and a new account is created (#7701)

CATALOG: CatalogOnHandQuantityDisplayControl causes error on ItemDetail Page (#6240)
CATALOG: CatalogOnHandQuantityDisplayControl breaks if ITM_Item.Model_ID is set to null (#7398)
CATALOG: CatalogContactUsControl displays previous error and Recaptcha box after successful submission (#7802)

PERSONALIZATION: Personalization preview image can apply wrong font (#7621)

CONSOLE: "Web Promotion" grid "Expiration Date" column sort issue (#7549)
CONSOLE: Create Date and Last Login Date do not sort like dates in "Account Maintenance" grid (#7616)
CONSOLE: Friendly URL filter in Item Maintenance improperly identifies invalid Friendly Names (#7619)
CONSOLE: "Item Maintenance": Converting Item Type while filtering displays an ICallbackEventHandler pop-up message (#7719)
CONSOLE: Item Import into Category not working in Internet Explorer (#7775)

INSTALL: Check for Application Pool name length (#4266)
INSTALL: Selecting LOCAL Users during installation sets user to DOMAIN\ in IIS configurations rather than to .\ (#6777)
INSTALL: Following installation, browsing to /Ecommerce or /Console gives "Could not load file or assembly 'Dovetail.Core'" error (#7375)
INSTALL: Shortcuts pointing to http://localhost/ecommerce and http://localhost/console created by installer (#7379)
INSTALL: Trace enabled defaults to show on fresh installations (#7578)
INSTALL: Assembly DLL files reference a 2012 copyright (#7615)
INSTALL: Upgrade fails when ITM_RelatedItems table contains multiple null records (#7763)
INSTALL: Application does not install successfully in on-premise, DMZ-based environments (#7788)

SYSTEM: "Thread was being aborted" needlessly logged in "Event Log" when caused by normal page processing (#7716)

DOCUMENTATION: Two Business Objects mis-categorized in supported list (#7783)
DOCUMENTATION: Changes to supported object list (#7784)

For more information, or for specific details about any of these bug fixes, please contact Please include the bug number (as listed above) in your request.

See Also

Release Notes