CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Checkout Improvements
In This Topic

Display Order post errors to the Shopper during Checkout (#9623)

From time to time, an Order can fail to post to SYSPRO when certain situations occur. In many cases the problem can stem from certain Customer or Item limitations that have been setup in SYSPRO. 

When such an issue exists, CyberStore alerts the user of the issue and prevents them from completing their order asking them to contact customer service for assistance. When this occurs, customers can become frustrated since the system is unable to provide useful information about how they may be able to resolve such an issue.

With this improvement, the system can display more error details to the user based on information returned from SYSPRO. 
The feature also includes the ability to customize the generic Order Post Error Message Text.

This feature is configured in the Console in the Site Manager > Order Integration maintenance screen's Settings tab, and is enabled by default. 

You can choose to disable this feature in the Management Console by changing the setting to Error Logged. When error display is disabled the generic message test will be displayed and any detail will be able to be found in the CyberStore Event Log. 

When enabled, the message alert to the user will include the Order Post Error Message Text followed by a reason, when available, in bold and then a time stamp that can be provided to customer service to further aid in assisting when required. 


The error details can only be returned from SYSPRO if the communication method between CyberStore and SYSPRO is via SYSPRO Web Services, SYSPRO WCF Services, and COM/DCOM, but errors cannot be displayed when using .NET Remoting due to a limitation in that method. 

Customers with Invoice Level Discounts should be told in the cart the price might change (#9423)

When one navigates to the Shopping Cart logged in as a Customer with an invoice discount, the cart will display the discount message "Additional discounts may apply" if the ShowDiscountMessage property is set to true. The message text can be customized by setting the value of the DiscountMessageText property. 

Add functionality to seed the multi-ship-to SYSPRO cache for B2B Accounts (#9317)

During checkout for on-file Customers, the loading of multiple ship-to addresses from SYSPRO can take extra time resulting in delay at the beginning of checkout when transitioning from the shopping cart. This can lead to user frustration and potential cart abandonment. In order to help alleviate this potential issue, with this release of CyberStore, multiple ship-to addresses will be loaded into the application's SYSPRO cache using an asynchronous call to the server prior to these addresses being required and by doing so potentially eliminate the need to load this data on the way to checkout. 

The system will automatically spawn the multi-address pre-cache on the following front end events:

Important Note: 

The following conditions must be true for this method to benefit the user:

  1. The site must be accessed using SSL via HTTPS.
  2. The SYSPRO Cache must be enabled and have a time to live longer than the time it takes for the average user to proceed from login to checkout. 


See Also

Release Notes