CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Improved Event Log User Interface
In This Topic

The CyberStore Event Log screen has been updated with a number of improvements in this release.

Updates have been made in several ways, the key updates include:

Optimized Event Log Data Access

Active sites can accumulate large amounts of Event Log data over time, and therefore an optimized data access layer has been included that greatly improves performance of the log data grid. This has yielded near instant access to any log entry in the system. 

Log Searching and Filtering

When seeking specific events or patterns, each column now includes data filters that allow for greater control over which events to see. Particular notice should be given to the Date Stamp column which allows for filtering to specific date and time ranges. In addition, a plain text search feature is now available in the top of the toolbar area where a user can type whatever text desired. This will conduct a search of all events and auto-filter the grid based on found matches. Matched text will also be highlighted when found. 

User Interface Updates

In addition to improvements in grid performance and log searching and filtering, the user interface has also been updated.