CyberStore Oasis Documentation
2.15.6 Maintenance Release (November 13, 2018)
In This Topic

Ignore Accrual Discounts when Using TPM Pricing in SYSPRO (#9987)

Per the SYSPRO documentation on Trade Promotion Management (TPM) Pricing:

"Accrual values are accrued for later redemption. Accruals can be likened to l loyalty system where at the time of processing a sales order, the customer accrues values based on the sale of various items over a specific period. Accrual promotions must generally meet criteria (e.g. proof of an advertisement) before being authorized. Accrual values are not shown on sales orders or invoices, but are accrued to the customer in the Trade Promotion system. The accrued values can be reviewed and reimbursed to the customer as either a credit note or a check payment form your Accounts Payable system." 

Per the above, when evaluating Trade Promotion Module (TPM) promotions for value or percent discounts, CyberStore will ignore all Accrual values to fully support SYSPRO ERP business logic.

New Inventory Methods for Getting ATP Report Data (#10012)

New processing and web service methods have been created for obtaining the ATP data.

To ensure compatibility, review the following: 

Control Modifications:

In any custom CatalogAvailableToPromiseReportControl should change the following:

In versions prior:

        MakeAJAXCall("GetAtpDataSource", Params, BindTreeList);

Change to:

        MakeAJAXCall("Inventory.GetATPReportData", Params, BindTreeList);

Add Ability to use Customer's email address when sending emails from CyberStore (#10014)

When CyberStore synchronizes Customer data from SYSPRO, the email address of record for the customer will now be brought into the CyberStore database. This email address can then be utilized for any email message sent by CyberStore as an automatic To, From, CC or BCC address by using the replacement tag [CustomerDefaultEmail].

In addition, you can configure the CyberStore to automatically send a copy of certain messages to this email address by clicking a new option in the Site Manager screen under Site Configuration in the Email tab.

This type of automatic email is called a Customer Notifications and it is a separate copy of the original email as sent to another recipients that is sent to the Customer's default email address. The following CyberStore messages are able to be sent as Customer Notifications:

The choices for the setting are "Never" (default), "Always", and "When Logged in as All Customer Account".


For more information see the Site Configuration and System Generated Emails topics.


Add Ability to Purge Price Cache for Specific Item, Category or Customer from Console Maintenance Screens (#10026)

In the CyberStore Management Console, new buttons have been added to the following Maintenance screens:

When clicked these buttons cause all cached prices related to the Item, Category or Customer to be removed from the cache causing them to re-populate next time they are sought.

Below are the new screens showing the price cache clearing buttons.

Item Maintenance

Item Category Maintenance

Note that the new Pricing tab replaces the previously labeled Discount tab.


 Customer Maintenance

Note the new Pricing tab in Customer Maintenance.



New Exact Match Filtering in ShoppingCartQuickOrderEntryControl (#10046)

The ShoppingCartQuickEntryControl now supports native "Exact Match" searching which allows the shopper's stock code input to only add items when the text entered matches a stock code exactly. When this feature is enabled, no drop down results will be displayed. To default to exact search, set the StockCodeFilterMode property to a value of "Exact"

In addition, a new EnableFilterModeSelection property will present the shopper with the ability to switch between an exact and search interface which will display when the value is set to true.


Bug Fixes

The following bugs have been repaired as of Version 2.15.6:

PRICING: "Unexpected end of token" JavaScript error on CatalogPricingControl  with JavaScriptChangePriceFunction (#9990)

ACCOUNT: Multiple unnecessary multi-Address COMBRW calls can be made by CustomerMasterAccountControl (#10051)

CATALOG: ATP Quantities not matching those in SYSPRO (#9940)
CATALOG: Unapproved Items in Saved Cart are added to Shopping Cart (#10048)
CATALOG: UOM - Preferred Unit of Measure Does not fallback correctly when not found (#10066)

CONSOLE: About page not found 404 (#9955)
CONSOLE: Error in Console Loading Categories in Item Maintenance (#9983)

INSTALL: Manage <mailsettings> parameter defaultCredentials in ecommerce web.config (#9993)

Modified Controls

The control markup for the following controls have been modified in this version.

If you use the standard CyberStore controls within your web store, these are automatically updated with your installation of version 2.15.6. However, if you have a custom version of any of the controls listed, you must make the following changes to the control markup to maintain full functionality. For the markup of each control, you only need to adjust the text from an earlier version that changes in version 2.15.6, as listed below. The placement of that text within the markup and the surrounding text remain the same.

Modified Control Description of Modification


Change only the text within the control markup that differs from version 2.13 to 2.15, as shown below:

Prior to 2.15.6:

    $(function () {
    var Params = {};
        MakeAJAXCall("GetAtpDataSource", Params, BindTreeList);

To 2.15.6:

    $(function () {
    var Params = {};
        MakeAJAXCall("Inventory.GetATPReportData", Params, BindTreeList);


Change only the text within the control markup that differs from version 2.13 to 2.15, as shown below:

Prior to 2.15.6:

    <div id="QEShoppingCartSubtotalWrapper" class="QE-ShoppingCartSubtotal-Wrapper">
    <dx:ASPxPanel ID="QEInputPanel" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static"
        DefaultButton="btnAddToCart" CssClass="QE-Input-Panel">
        <dx:PanelContent runat="server">
            <div class="QE-Input-Wrapper">
                <div class="QE-StockCodeInput">
                    <dx:ASPxComboBox ID="cmbStockCode" runat="server"
                        ClientIDMode="Static" AnimationType="Auto"   
                        DropDownStyle="DropDownList" TextField="StockCode"
                        ValueField="Item_ID" TextFormatString="{0} - {1}"
                        EnableCallbackMode="true" ValueType="System.Int32"
                        AllowMouseWheel="true" OnInit="cmbStockCode_Init"
                        DropDownButton-Visible="false" Width="300"
                        DropDownWidth="600" Height="30" Paddings-Padding="4"
                        DisabledStyle-Cursor="default" AutoPostBack="false">
                            <dx:ListBoxColumn FieldName="StockCode" Width="100px" />
                            <dx:ListBoxColumn FieldName="Name" Width="150px" />

To 2.15.6:

    <div id="QEShoppingCartSubtotalWrapper" class="QE-ShoppingCartSubtotal-Wrapper">

        .qoe-fixer { padding: 1px 1px 2px 1px!important;
             border-radius: 0px!important; }


<dx:ASPxPanel ID="QEInputPanel" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static" DefaultButton="btnAddToCart" CssClass="QE-Input-Panel">
        <dx:PanelContent runat="server">
            <div class="QE-Input-Wrapper">
                <div class="QE-StockCodeInput">
                    <dx:ASPxRadioButtonList ID="rdoSearchType" runat="server"
                        ClientIDMode="Static" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"
                        Border-BorderStyle="None" CssClass="QE-SearchTypeBox" >


                            <dx:ListEditItem Value="Exact" Text="Exact" />

                            <dx:ListEditItem Value="Search" Text="Search" />


                        <ClientSideEvents SelectedIndexChanged="

                            function(s,e) {

                                if(s.GetSelectedIndex() == 0) {





                                else {







                            }" />


                    <br />
                    <dx:ASPxComboBox ID="cmbStockCode" runat="server"
                        ClientIDMode="Static" AnimationType="Auto"
                        DropDownStyle="DropDownList" TextField="StockCode"
                        ValueField="Item_ID" TextFormatString="{0} - {1}"
                        EnableCallbackMode="true" ValueType="System.Int32"
                        AllowMouseWheel="true" OnInit="cmbStockCode_Init"
                        DropDownButton-Visible="false" Width="300"
                        DropDownWidth="600" Height="30" Paddings-Padding="4"
                        DisabledStyle-Cursor="default" AutoPostBack="false">
                            <dx:ListBoxColumn FieldName="StockCode" Width="100px" />
                            <dx:ListBoxColumn FieldName="Name" Width="150px" />
                    <dx:ASPxTextBox ID="txtStockCode" runat="server"
                        ClientIDMode="Static" ClientInstanceName="txtStockCode"
                        Width="300" AutoCompleteType="Disabled" /


Implementer's Note:

If you have custom versions of the above modified controls in your Site/Control folder, please compare them with their released versions in the /ecommerce/control folder for compatibility.

See Also

Release Notes