CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Shoppers Who Buy "This" Buy "That"

With the release of CyberStore v 2.16 it is now possible to display a listing of Items that have been bought previously by other users along with the Item that is currently being viewed. This feature is provided by including the new ItemsBoughtWith_Listing widget within a CyberStore Item detail page..

New ItemsBoughtWith_Listing Widget (#10205)

The CyberStore widget ItemsBoughtWith_Listing​.html is available within the Ecommerce/Widgets folder and can be included in a CyberStore page. The widget is designed to be used within an Item Detail page. The widget utilizes AJAX calls to the CyberStore web services and thus must run under HTTPS to run and is loaded using the LoadWidgetControl.

Previous CyberStore orders are analyzed to create the list of the most popular Items ordered at the same time with the Item being viewed. The logic takes into account the following criteria:


See Also

Release Notes