CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Bug Fixes in Version 2.17

The following bugs have been repaired in Version 2.17: 

PRICING: Price needs to match SYSPRO when Line Discount (#10368)
PRICING: Operation Center BuildPricingCache with customer class parameter not properly constrained (#10373)

CATALOG: QTY Inventory Messaging Gone/Inconsistent (#10418)

CONSOLE: Unable to select Hot Spot Diagram in Category/Item Maintenance when multiple pages of diagrams due to auto scroll (#10369)
CONSOLE: HotSpot Diagram Console screens jump when moving between Tabs (#10419)
CONSOLE: Add Item via Console loads SYSPRO LongDescription data into CyberStore LongDescription field (#10438)

INSTALL: Unable to Perform Full Text Search After Upgrading (#10474)

SYSTEM: AUNTCT verbose debug contains unmasked data (#10473)

API: Using GetProfile operation in CyberStore Connect Session web service returns "Object reference not set to an instance" error (#10381)

For more information, or for specific details about any of these bug fixes, please contact Please include the bug number (as listed above) in your request.