CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Conditionally Move Kit, Serialized and Traceable Items to Ship Status After Sales Order Post
In This Topic

New SYSPRO Enumerations for Backorder Handling (#10370)

Serial Method

Serial tracking method flag indicates the serial tracking method to use for the stock item if serial tracking is installed. Settings are as follows:


Implementer's Note:

Stock items cannot be serialized if it is flagged as one, or more, of the following: Temporary stock item (ClearingFlag = "T"), Kit type is "K" or "S" (KitType = K or S), Bulk issue or Floorstock (BulkIssueFlag = "Y" or "F") or Unit quantity processing is set (StockAndAltUm = "Y") and the serial tracking method is manual.


Traceable Type
Lot traceable flag indicates whether the stock item is traceable or not. Settings are as follows:

Implementer's Note:

Stock items cannot be traceable if Lot Traceability is not installed or if it is flagged as one, or more, of the following: Temporary stock item (ClearingFlag = "T"), Kit type is "K" or "S" (KitType = K or S), Bulk issue or Floorstock (BulkIssueFlag = "Y" or "F").

Kit Type
Kit type flag indicates whether, in Sales Orders, the stock item is sold using its bill of materials. Settings are as follows:

Important Note:

CyberStore can now use the SORTBO business module therefore it is important for the CyberStore Web Operator needs to be granted access to the SYSPRO SORTBO business module for this to work. More information can be found at Supported SYSPRO Business Objects.

Add SerialMethod, KitType and TraceableType to ITM_Item Database Table and XPItem object (#10391)

Expose Kit Type, Traceable Type and Serial Method in Item Maintenance in Console (#10408)

Add SORTBO business object (#10409)

Add Additional OrderAllocationStatus columns to COM_Config Database table and XPComConfig Object for Kits, Serials and Traceables (#10410)

Order Line Backorder Release Business Logic and Processing for Serialized Items (#10411)