CyberStore Oasis Documentation
New and Modified XSLT Files
In This Topic

The following CyberStore e-commerce XSLT Files have been added or modified in the 2.XX release:

New XSLT Files

The following are new XSLT files with this version.

Modified XSLT Files

The XSLT File markup for the following XSLT Files have been modified in this version.

We have also modified base XSLT files as part of this release. If you use a standard version of this file, this is automatically updated when you install version 2.17. If you use a custom version, you should make changes within the following XSLT file to maintain full functionality.

Modified XSLT File Classification Description of Modification


Purpose: Allows order valuation to accomodate the discount calculation method used in SYSPRO appropriately.

Modification: Change only the text within the XSLT File markup that differs from version 2.16 to 2.17, as shown below:

  • From 2.16:
      <xsl:value-of select="//SalesOrder/Discounts[@StockCode=$StockCode]/DiscountPct3" />


    To 2.17:
      <xsl:value-of select="//SalesOrder/Discounts[@StockCode=$StockCode]/DiscountPct3" />

    <MDiscValFlag />


Purpose: Adjustments to decimal precision to handle up to 5 decimal places.

Modification: Change only the text within the XSLT File markup that differs from version 2.16 to 2.17, as shown below:

Change #1:

  • From 2.16:
    <xsl:if test="$GiftcertificateValue!='0.0000'">

    To 2.17:
    <xsl:if test="$GiftcertificateValue!='0.00000'">

Change #2:

  • From 2.16:
      <xsl:value-of select="format-number($LinePrice,'#.####')" />

    To 2.17:
      <xsl:value-of select="$LinePrice" />


Implementer's Note:

If you have custom versions of the above modified XSLT Files in your Site/XSLT folder, please compare them with their released versions in the /ecommerce/XSLT folder for compatibility.