CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Page And Theme Load Optimizations
In This Topic

Various improvements to the CyberStore Page Engine have been included in the 2.18 relese of the product.

Pre-Load Caching of SitePages, Site Configuration Settings during Application Start (#10503)

During application start, CyberStore's page engine is now able to pre-load to cache SitePages configuration files, and site and SYSPRO configuration information such that these Items become readily available in system memory whenever needed. As settings are changed in the console, SitePages.config files are updated, the application automatically reloads the cache ensuring that every page load utilizes the most current information.

Complete Conversion from Obsolete Ecommerce.Module.Catalog object in controls to static BusinessLogic.Catalog methods (#10507)

All references to any obsolete, non-static Dovetail.Ecommerce.Module.Catalog methods have been changed to use the static Dovetail.Ecommerce.BusinessLogic.Catalog versions ensuring that business logic is properly centralized and that processing overhead of instantiating the Catalog class is removed from the page load lifecycle.

Please see the New and Modified Controls topic for recommended changes to any custom controls you may have in your site.

Complete Conversion from Obsolete Ecommerce.Module.CustomerAccount object in controls to static BusinessLogic.CustomerAccount methods (#10510)

All references to any obsolete, non-static Ecommerce.Module.CustomerAccount methods have been changed to use the static Dovetail.Ecommerce.BusinessLogic.CustomerAccount versions ensuring that business logic is properly centralized and that processing overhead of instantiating the Catalog class is removed from the page load lifecycle.

Please see the New and Modified Controls topic for recommended changes to any custom controls you may have in your site.

Disable Stopwatch calculations when DebugStopwatch is not enabled (#10512)

The DEBUG stopwatch feature has been migrated to the Dovetail.Core.Diagnostics namespace and processing has been added to ensure that no processing cycles are spent working on keeping time when the application is not in a DebugStopwatchScreen or DebugStopwatchFile state.

Reduce and Simplify View List Queries in Catalog (#10513)

Business logic queries performed against Items and the View List of an Item have been simplified and optimized for improved performance by changing from multiple, complex queries to simple look-ups against ITM_ViewListItemLookup_View​ in the database.

Add Automatic, Short-term System Caching for Items per View List (#10523)

Item data is now stored in the application's cache for a short period of time in order to prevent repeat database queries for the same information during the page load cycle.  

The system will expire each Item cached 30 seconds after it has been cached.

Load reCAPTCHA Scripts Outside of CyberstoreBasePage Processing, and only as Needed (#10611)

References to the scripts required for Google reCAPTCHA to function will only be loaded into a page when there is a reCAPTCHA panel in a control that exists on the page whereas previously the scripts were loaded on every CyberStore page if reCAPTCHA was configured in Console, whether it was required for the page or not.

See Also

Release Notes