CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Bug Fixes in Version 2.18.4

The following bugs have been repaired in Version 2.18.4: 

PRICING: Accessory Discount not applied when selecting optional accessory in cart (#10853)
PRICING: Accessories - Accessory Discount not reflected in cart and checkout totals correctly (#10777)

CONSOLE: Large number of Item image folders can cause opening the Edit Item Image screen in Item Maintenance to timeout (#10847)
CONSOLE: External Call Logs - Unable to view log file text when backslash is missing from External Call Log Location (#10790)
CONSOLE: See What's New Popup in Item Maintenance doesn't remember when set to not show (#10781)

SYSTEM: Case mismatch in crafted SQL may cause Collation errors When DB Server does not default to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS (#10838)
SYSTEM: Potential Collation Issue Stored procedure [DMC_HasPageRights] from inconsistent case usage (#10845)
SYSTEM: SQL case mismatch - Must declare the scalar variable "@item_ID" (#10862)
SYSTEM: SQL case mismatch - Must declare the scalar variable "@viewList_ID" (#10863)
SYSTEM: SQL case mismatch - Must declare the scalar variable "@sessionstateid" (#10864)

For more information, or for specific details about any of these bug fixes, please contact Please include the bug number (as listed above) in your request.

See Also

Version 2.18 Maintenance Releases