CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Bug Fixes in Version 2.19

The following bugs have been repaired in Version 2.19: 

PRICING: Customer contract notapplied in CyberStore (#10758)

PRICING: CyberStore pricing does not handle combined quantity discounts and customer contract pricing (#10884)

PRICING: Item Detail Price missing whn Stocking UOM and Alternate UOM the same in SYSPRO (#10896)

PRICING: UOM Pricing - SYSPRO Pricing UOM does not correctly affect Displayed Price (#10899)

PRICING: UOM - Total Price Re-applies UOM Conversion factor (#10905)

PRICING: Contract Start Date not Evaluated in pricing business logic (#10934)

PRICING: Override Auto Load Price Globally - Web Override Customer Price is not used(#11075)


CHECKOUT: Canadian Freight taxable (#10242)

CHECKOUT: Unable to complete order - XPO error on Checkout.OrderCompleteWrapUp (#10878)

CHECKOUT: CyberStore is not passing Freight Line to SYSPRO in valuation SORQOV (#10908)

CHECKOUT: Orders failing on last step with incorrect syntax error (#10919)

CHECKOUT: Hotbuy displays repeating items (#10962)

CHECKOUT: Slow order processing when using back order release an an item with many lines (#10982)

CHECKOUT: Convert Quote to Order - Nullable object error (#10993)

CHECKOUT: Drop Ship Address Name: Only first 30 characters being submitted to SYSPRO (#11073)


CATALOG: Image Zoom Control does not create new thumbnails when image of same name updated (#10869)

CATALOG: Backorder Allocation process could not complete - unnecessary event log (#10942)

CATALOG: Error while adding Google Analytics code to the page (#10943)

CATALOG: Available to Promise - Max available added to Cart, when attempting to add more than ATP (#11027)

CATALOG: ATP Report - unable to view report due to Timing out (#11044)

CATALOG: Legacy CatalogItemQuickOrderEntry returns "Error trying to access currency information in the database" when getting pricing (#11052)


CATALOG: CatalogItemTileListingControl- Error when searching by text not in stock codes (#12517)


PERSONALIZATION: Missing Cached Resize images Are recreated on the Front End but not within the Console (#11275)


CONSOLE: Item Maintenance edit not always refreshing SYSPRO data (#7915)

CONSOLE: Item SYSPRO data not fully imported when adding Item via Item Maintenance (#10872)

CONSOLE: Non-Admin Console user does not have access to sort items function (#10901)

CONSOLE: Often unable to add items using console due to an unexpected error (#10915)

CONSOLE: Console: Order Review can crash when Receipt HTML is missing or NULL (#11128)


SYSTEM: Email - Default OrderReceipt-RequestQuote has an incorrect Linkname (#10045)

SYSTEM: Ecommerce URL check in Core.Pathing is not case-insensitive (#10891)

SYSTEM: Upgrade - \Images\Item-detail\ directory is invalid after upgrade (#10927)


API: Connect/Connect_Spacer.aspx timeouts on Console Login (#10926)


WEB SERVICES: GetSKUsByItemIDWithCharacteristicsAndPricing: Pricing data not always returned (#10932)


OPERATION AGENT: Operations Center Fails to Convert some Orders to Archive (#10118)



For more information, or for specific details about any of these bug fixes, please contact Please include the bug number (as listed above) in your request.