CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Multiple SKU Selection Characteristics
In This Topic

Updated SKU Selection By Characteristic Business Logic and Process (#10582)

Web Operations for retrieving Characteristic Values with SKUs for an Item (#10671)


GetSKUsByItemIDWithCharacteristicsAndPricing Resource


GetCharacteristicValuesWithSKUsForItemByStockCode Resource

Processes and Web Services for Getting Single Items (#10855)

GetSKUsByItemIDWithPricing Resource

Add PAGE_MODEL to list of client constants (#10861)

The constant variable PAGE_MODEL in the page code will be set to a number value where the following can be inferred:

Ability in CatalogItemImageControl to be able to change it's image source from client side (#10913)

 CatalogPricingControl Updates to replace SKU selection callbacks with ItemSKUSelection_Dropdown Widget (#10857)

 The user interface for SKU selection as part of the CatalogPricingControl has been updated to utilize the ItemSKUSelection_Dropdown widget. There is no change to use story or implementation requirements due to this change. 

See Also

Release Notes