CyberStore Oasis Documentation
New Integrated Shipping Provider - C. H. Robinson
In This Topic

Extend Customer Data for Branch Address (#9763)

When updating customer data in System Utilities, a new table 'COM_Branch' will be populated and updated with unique branches and their respective address data. It will use an Address Mapping when pulling the data from syspro. The mapping used is the one with the new Default Branch Mapping configuration selected. It will also populate a new column 'Branch' in the 'CUS_Customer' which will store the Branch number.




Extend Management Console Configurations (#9764)


If C.H. Robinson is selected in the provider type drop down on the general tab, the label text of the 'API Username' field will change to 'C.H. Robinson Customer Code'. The customer code is a CHR defined code that is provided to the customer and is REQUIRED for valid API requests. The test URL and Live URL is also REQUIRED depending on which connection mode is selected. The current valid API URL is
By selecting a carrier code, the 'Carrier Method Name' drop down will populate with the selected providers methods. After selecting a carrier method, the 'Alternate Method When Below Required Weight' will populated with your other configured shipping methods that are not of the same provider type and method name. Example, in the above configuration none of your C.H. Robinson LTL methods will be available for selection.
The 'Require Weight for Method Field' is a weight value in pounds that will determine at what cart weight the alternate method will be used instead on the Shipping Provider drop down during check out. For example, in the above configuration, if you check out with a cart weight less than 65 pounds, the alternate method will replace this method in the Shipping Provider drop down during check out. 

Front-End Checkout Processing (#9765)


If the provider is configured to use the branch address as the from address, the branch address will be used for the freight calculation. If the methods required weight is not met by the cart weight, the alternate method will be used unless it already exists in the options. The behaviors for the CH Robinson methods should mirror the behaviors of other providers. 


Extend Shipping Provider Architecture (#9766)



Create shipping provider configuration that will attempt to use Branch Address as the ship from (#9789)


Extend Address Mapping for Branch Address (#10085)

See #9763


Business Logic and Processes to handle alternate shipping method mininum specifics by Branch (#10820)

Display all shipping prices during Shipping Options in Checkout (#10821)



Console Updates for "Alternate Method when Below Weight Option" per Branch (#10822)

For orders that do not meet a set weight minimum, an alternate method can be established through a new option in the provider settings section of the Shipping Method menu. Furthermore, alternate shipping methods can be set branch by branch. While all branches do not need an explicitly set method, a default alternate shipping method must be set. 

Console Updates for "Alternate Method When Below Weight Option" per Branch (#10822)

Extend Address Mapping for Branch Address (#10085)

See Also

Release Notes