CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Performance Improvements
In This Topic

Move VerifyAddToCart and getQty functions into global.js (#10856)

The JavaScript functions VerifyAddToCart and getQty used by several widgets indepentently have been standardized and moved to the global.js loaded by the CyberStore page engine.

The function ValidateAddToCart can be used instead of VerifyAddToCart however the call has changed in that the developer needs to send the button ID and the widgetOptions variable to the function as an object parameter in the MakeAJAXCall.

For example:

CyberStore Cart Web Service

The function GetQty can be used instead of the getQty function. Note that the call is in Pascal case (uppercase first character) rather than camel case (lowercase first character), So the developer can simply change the call to use the new method name.

For example:

AddItemToCart Resource

Remove checkout buttons after clicking submit and display processing modal panel (#10889)

Switch all license file access to use Async method (#10930)

System performance has been improved when reading license file information for the CyberStore application releasing threads while obtaining the license from disk.

Get XSLT files from file system using Async in Utils.TransformDom method (#10931)

Make web service operation Application.IsSYSPROCommunicationEnabled sessionless (#10946)

The web service operation Application.IsSYSPROCommunicationEnabled has been updated to run without requiring session allowing it to run asynchronously with other web service calls. This results in improved performance and better user experience.

Make web service operation Inventory.GetItemPhoto sessionless (#10947)

The web service operation Inventory.GetItemPhoto has been updated to run without requiring session allowing it to run asynchronously with other web service calls. This results in improved performance and better user experience.

For details on the operation, see the Inventory web service documentation..

Prevent cascading GUID resets under race conditions when using MakeSysproENetCall (#10957)

During times when the SYSPRO communication between SYSPRO and CyberStore is interrupted, ensure that repeated login attempts do not create conflicting log out requests to SYSPRO.


 getQty Functions into global.js (#10856)

The JavaScript functions VerifyAddToCart and getQty used by several widgets indepentently have been standardized and moved to the global.js loaded by the CyberStore page engine. 

The function ValidateAddToCart can be used instead of VerifyAddToCart however the call has changed in that the developer needs to send the button ID and the widgetOptions variable to the function as an object parameter in the MakeAJAXCall. 
The function GetQty can be used instead of the getQty function. Note that the call is in Pascal case (uppercase first character) rather than camel case (lowercase first character), So the developer can simply change the call to use the new method name. 

See: AddItemToCart Resource


See Also

Release Notes