CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Bug Fixes in v2.20
In This Topic

The following bugs have been repaired in version 2.20


CATALOG: DataDisplayControl - Searching for Partial Alternative Part Numbers Always results in Loading an item detail page (#14418)
CATALOG: Single and Double Quotes not encoded in Characteristics Filter Widget (#14481)


E-PAYMENT: Master Account unable To view details of Sub-account Invoices (#14185)
E-PAYMENT: Invoice Payment Popup - Unable to Adjust payment Amount (#14344)


CONSOLE: Account Maintenance - Object Reference Error When Adding B2B Customer without selecting Customer (#13836)

SYSTEM: COM_Cleanup failing to run (#14187)

E-PAYMENT: AR Portal Theme - Edit Account Step 3 - Buttons Display Incorrectly (#14190)
E-PAYMENT: AR Portal Theme - CustomerOrderDisplay.aspx page displays as blank (#14189)
E-PAYMENT: AR Portal Theme - MyAccount page displays with nothing on it (#14188)
E-PAYMENT: Aging - 90+ not summing totals for older agings (#14147)
E-PAYMENT: Disable Pay Invoice Checkbox for Credit Notes (#13778)


ACCOUNT: Unable to register new account on the Front end due to SQL error (#14173)

E-PAYMENT: Grayed out document window not closing automatically after print window is closed (#14124)
E-PAYMENT: Invoice number is displaying as 'NaN' when viewed in the invoice popup on the billing history page (#14144)


CATALOG: Searching - Cannot filter search results down to a specific Category (#13962)
CATALOG: Item Tile Listing Widget Category Image Fallback (#13933)

CONSOLE: Customer Maintenance - Cannot Save "Allow Admin Accounts" Setting (#14047)
CONSOLE: Account Maintenance - Unable to filter by Customer Name or Number (#12527)
CONSOLE: Cannot Add or Edit Customers in Customer Maintenance when No Customer Type Characteristics Exist (#13906)

SYSTEM: Currency Error when SYSPRO Disconnected (#13921)
SYSTEM: Minify Widget Scripts and Styles -  Revert to non-minified version When minifying Widgets Fails (#13835)