CyberStore Oasis Documentation
New And Modified Controls
In This Topic

The following CyberStore e-commerce Controls have been added or modified in the 2.21 release:

New Controls

There are no new controls in this version.

Modified Controls

The control markup for the following controls have been modified in this version.

If you use the standard CyberStore controls within your web store, these are automatically updated with your installation of version 2.21. However, if you have a custom version of any of the controls listed, you must make the following changes to the control markup to maintain full functionality. For the markup of each control, you only need to adjust the text from version 2.20 that changes in version 2.21, as listed below. The placement of that text within the markup and the surrounding text remain the same.

Modified Control


Description of Modification
(Alternate version of ItemControlTemplate.ascx)


Purpose: Update control t template to display Alternative Part Number details for stock codes in the grid when using the DataDisplayControl for category or search result listings.

Modification: Change only the text within the control markup that differs from version 2.17 to 2.18, as shown below:

From 2.20:

Copy Code
<td style="width:10%">
    <asp:HyperLink ID="lnkStockCode" runat="server" NavigateUrl='<%# Dovetail.Ecommerce.BusinessLogic.Catalog.FriendlyUrl.ItemDetailPage(Eval("StockCode").ToString(),Eval("Name").ToString()) %>'>
        <%# Eval("StockCode") %>


To 2.21:

Copy Code
<td style="width: 10%;">
     <asp:HyperLink ID="lnkStockCode" runat="server" NavigateUrl='<%# Dovetail.Ecommerce.BusinessLogic.Catalog.FriendlyUrl.ItemDetailPage(Eval("StockCode").ToString(),Eval("Name").ToString()) %>'>
         <%# Eval("StockCode") %>
      <# (Convert.ToString(Eval("AlternativePartNumbers")) != null && Eval("AlternativePartNumbers").ToString() != String.Empty) ? String.Format("<br />({0})", Eval("AlternativePartNumbers")) >


Implementer's Note:

If you have custom versions of the above modified Controls in your Site/Control folder, please compare them with their released versions in the /ecommerce/Control folder for compatibility.

See Also

Release Notes