CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Application Settings
User's Guide > The Management Console > Tools Menu Overview > Application Settings
In This Topic

The "Application Settings" window allows you maintain and edit key global settings.

To access the window in the Console menu, go to Tools > Application Settings

Maintaining Application Settings Data

The Application Settings contains the following tabs:

Global Cache Settings Operation Agent Server Configuration Settings   

The Global Cache Settings Tab

When the application has loaded, the "Application Settings" window appears.

Use the Global Cache Settingstab to maintain general application information and to configure options:


 The window contains the following settings:

Global Cache Settings Information
Item Characteristic Tuning

Allows for controlling aspects about the Item Characteristic value cache.

Clicking the Rebuild Item Characteristic Cache button will cause the cache to be deleted and rebuilt from current Item Characteristic values.

Duration of Cached Entity: This sets the time to live for the cached data to the specified unit of time. Use the slider, or type the number in the text box, then select the time basis from the drop down of options

Local Price Caching

Allows for controlling aspects about the local pricing value cache.

Clicking the Rebuild Default Price Cache button will cause the cached pricing for the Default Customer for each Site to be deleted and updated to current pricing. The action is accomplished by running the BuildPriceCache Operation specifically limited to the Customer numbers of the Default Customers.

Important Note:

The system will not allow the user to inadvertently trigger multiple instances of the price cache clearing operation and thus the following are possible messages that may be presented after clicking the button.


Clicking the Clear Price Cache button will cause the cause the entire price cache to be deleted, allowing CyberStore to rebuild if price caching is enabled.

Duration of Cached Entity: This sets the time to live for the cached data to the specified unit of time. Use the slider, or type the number in the text box, then select the time basis from the drop down of options


Suggested Retail Pricing Method

Allows for control over the retail pricing schemes. Default is "custom" which allows the user to change an items price directly within the management console, or through population from an uploaded spreadsheet.

The option can be set to any of the following values:

  • List Price - the List Price of the Item as configured in SYSPRO
  • Specific Customer Price - requires that a Customer be specified as the source, which when selected will then use the price of the selected Customer as the source
  • Custom- any price value desired and can be populated either by importing Item data, or editing directly in Item Maintenance


Be sure to click the button when you are finished making any edits.


The Operation Agent Tab

 Use the Operation Agenttab to determine the global settings for the Operation Agent function.


The Operation Agenttab contains the following setting:

Operation Agent Information
Operation Agent Always On

By enabling this setting, the Operation agent will be checked regulaly to see if it is actively running in memory. If it is not, it will attempt to start it.


Be sure to click the button when you are finished making any edits.

The Server Configuration Settings Tab

Use the Server Configuration Settings tab to setup certain server-level configuration settings.

Server Configuration Settings
Communication Protocols

Establish the version of the TLS protocol to use for the CyberStore instance. Default is 1.2.

Global Log Settings Set the maximum number of event entries to save in the Event Log. Default value is 5000. A value of 0 sets no maximum (not recommended).