CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Authorizing Users

As a part of the standard Site login, users provide the necessary credentials. They then gain authorization based on their user Account’s association with a SYSPRO Customer and CyberStore Customer Class.

The Initial Login

To implement a single-sign-on between one or more client applications and CyberStore, it is necessary to use a single login – specifically, the CyberStore login. The developer can modify validating logic of a connected Site to redirect an unknown user to the login page of the CyberStore Site. This process also attaches a return URL to the request’s query string. After a user enters their credentials, CyberStore authenticates them and redirects them to the URL specified in the original request.

If a user cannot log in, they need to either reattempt the login or follow the CyberStore registration process. They are not redirected.