CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Characteristic Families

The "Characteristic Families" grid allows you to maintain your Characteristic Families and the information about them. Families allow you to group together Characteristics of a similar nature into logical groups that are defined to be associated with specific CyberStore entities (e.g., Items, Categories, Customers).

To access the grid in the Console menu, go to Setup > Characteristics.

When the application has loaded, the "Characteristic Families" grid appears on the top portion of the screen.



Maintaining Characteristic Families Data

The grid contains the following sections:

Characteristic Families Information
Name The name of the Characteristic Family.
Object Type The specific CyberStore entity that defines a Characteristic Family.
Image URL The URL of an image that can be used to visually identify the Characteristic Family.

When you click the Edit button on the grid, you can make the following changes to the corresponding Characteristic:



When you click the Add button, you can add a Name, Object Type, and Image URL for a new Characteristic Family.


Be sure to click the button when you are finished making any edits.

See Also

Item Grid Maintenance