CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Customer Class Maintenance
User's Guide > The Management Console > Customers Menu Overview > Customer Class Maintenance
In This Topic

The "Customer Class Maintenance" grid allows you to maintain your Customer Classes and the information about them.

To access the grid in the Console menu, go to Customers > Customer Class

When the application has loaded, the "Customer Class Maintenance" grid appears on the screen.




Maintaining Customer Class Data

When you click the Edit or Add button, the "Customer Class" pop-up appears. You can also access this pop-up by double-clicking on a row. This pop-up contains the following tabs:

General Shipping Settings Characteristics

Use these tabs to maintain the key elements of a Customer Class. Any changes modify how that Customer Class interacts with CyberStore.

The General Tab

Use the General tab to maintain general Customer Class information and to configure options.



The General tab contains the following elements:

General Information
Customer Class Name The Name of the Customer Class.
View List The View List for this Customer Class that determines which Items this group of Customers can see while browsing your Site.
Minimum Order Amount The minimum amount of money that this Class must spend, before taxes, to successfully place an order.
Allow Drop Ship Allow on-file Shoppers to submit a one-time shipping address when checking out.
Disable Add To Cart Turn off/on the ability to add items to the cart.
Enable Where To Buy Turn on/off the CyberStore dealer locator link for Items.
Show Ship Date in Cart based on Item's # Days to Shipment Allow the display of estimated ship date in the Shopping Cart.
Custom Line Ship Date Label Column header label text for the ship date when displayed in the Shopping Cart.
Payment Methods Available to this Customer Class

Select which Payment Methods that members of this Customer Class can choose from.


Using the grid toolbar you can add, remove and adjust the display order of each method.

Toolbar Button Behavior
Pops up a selection screen listing all currently available but unselected methods.
Removes the currently selected method from the list of selected methods.
Moves the currently selected method to be the first one to display.
Moves the currently selected method up one position in display order.
Moves the currently selected method one position down in display order.
Moves the currently selected method to be the last one to display.


Be sure to click the button when you are finished making any edits.

The Shipping Tab

 Use the Shippingtab to manage shipping options and messages for a particular Customer Class.



The Shippingtab contains the following sections:

Shipping Information
Freight Calculations By checking this box you are allowing CyberStore to calculate pass freight line and chose an appropriate shipping method. By not allowing Cyberstore to calculate shipping the Customer is given a drop down box containing shipping provider options and prices.
Shipping Options Enable whether CyberStore will calculate freight charges in CyberStore.
Custom Shipping Messages You can check a box for a given situation in which you want the Customer to receive a custom shipping message. When you do so, enter your message into either the corresponding "Long Message" or "Short Message" field, accordingly.
Custom Shipping Price Available Message By checking this box your custom message will be sent to the Customer when the shipping price is available.
Custom Shipping Price Unavailable Message By checking this box your custom messages will be sent to the Customer when the shipping price is unavailable.
Custom Shipping Oversized and Insured Message By checking this box your custom messages will be sent to the Customer if the Customer is purchasing Oversized or Insured products.
Shipping Methods Available to this Customer Class

Select which Shipping Methods that members of this Customer Class can choose from.


Using the grid toolbar you can add, remove and adjust the display order of each method.

Toolbar Button Behavior
Pops up a selection screen listing all currently available but unselected methods.
Removes the currently selected method from the list of selected methods.
Moves the currently selected method to be the first one to display.
Moves the currently selected method up one position in display order.
Moves the currently selected method one position down in display order.
Moves the currently selected method to be the last one to display.

Implementer's Note:

The option "{Customer Ship Via}" is automatically included as a Shipping Method for any Account linked to a Customer in the Customer Class when the following conditions are met:

  1. You select "{Customer Ship Via}" as a Shipping Method on a Customer Class.
  2. You set the SYSPRO Customer Account with a Ship Via Code.
  3. You link a Shipping Method that exists in CyberStore to the Customer's Ship Via Code.




Be sure to click the button when you are finished making any edits.

The Settings Tab

 Use the Settingstab to manage the default settings for your new Accounts.



The Settings tab contains the following settings:

Settings Information
Allow Ordering Sets the default setting for new Accounts of Customers linked to the Customer Class as to their ability to place orders.
Hide Shipping price information by default on newly created Accounts. Prevents new Accounts of Customers linked to the Customer Class from viewing shipping expenses.
Default Override View List for newly created Accounts Allows you to set a new View List that is automatically assigned to new Accounts.
Quantity Settings

Allows for overriding site-level Available to Promise settings when enabled in the Quantity Settings tab of the Site Manager > Catalog Configuration maintenance screen.

Disable Available to Promise for this Customer in the Site:

Checking this option will cause ATP functionality to be ignored for the Customer Class, if it is enabled at the Site level.

Available to Promise Message:

Populating this field with text allows for creating different ATP messages per Customer Class.


Use the following Replacement Tags within the Available to Promise message:

  • [Qty] - the quantity available to promise by the requeseted ship date.
  • [UOM] - the unit of measure.
  • [StockCode] - the stock code of the item.
  • [RequestedDate] - the requested ship date entered by the shopper.
  • [RequestedEndDate] - the end date of the requested ship date range entered by the shopper (when used).

For example, the message "Only [Qty] [UOM] of [StockCode] are available to ship between [RequestedDate] and [RequestedEndDate]" would result in a parsed message that reads as follows:

"Only 12 EA of A100 are avialble to ship betwen 12/20/1999 and 12/28/1999"

Max Days for Available to Promise:

Setting this value will override the Site setting for maximum number of days in the Customer Class.

Implementation Note:

Any request in the future for a date that is more than the maximum days from today is considered to be available to promise.

For example:

If the maximum days is set to 150, and today is June 11th, then any quantity of any Item requested for shipment after November 8th will be automatically considered available to promise.

Pricing Settings

Allows for selecting which pricing information to show (or hide) for the Customer Class as well as the ability to override the price labels and properties used for Item pricing.

Price Display Options:

Choose from the dropdown the type of pricing display for any PricingControl used in the CyberStore front-end by this Customer Class.

Price Display Option Behavior
"Show Only Default Price" Default Price will show. Customer and Discount pricing will be hidden.
"Show Only Customer Pricing" Customer and Discount pricing will show. Default price is hidden.
"Show Both Default and Customer Pricing" The Default, Customer and Discount pricing will show whenever the Default Price is more than the Customer Price. If the Default Price is less than or equal to the Customer Price, then the Default price is hidden.
"Shopper Can Show/Hide Only Their Pricing" The Shopper can decide whether to show no pricing or only their Customer and Discount Pricing by selection using the CustomerHideShowPriceControl.
"Show Both Default and User Can Show/Hide Their Pricing" Default price will always display, but the logged in Shopper can choose to show or hide their Customer and Discount Pricing by selection using the CustomerHideShowPriceControl.
"Hide All Pricing" No pricing is shown.

Universal Pricing Rules:

  • If a CyberStore web discount is applied, then Web Price will still continue to show when the property ShowWebPrice is true.
  • If a CyberStore web discount is applied, then the On Sale Graphic will appear when the property ShowOnSaleGraphic is true.
  • The lowest price for the item will be the price added to the cart even though it may not be shown in the PricingControl (i.e. a Customer Price or Discount Price was lower than Default Price).


Pricing Labels:

Enter here any unique pricing labels for each Customer Class.

Default values for the Customer Class pricing label options are all blank text. 

Processing will use the Site Manager settings by default, which will be overridden when set at the Customer Class level with values that are not blank, which in turn will be overridden by any non-blank values set using DefaultPriceLabelText, CustomerPriceLabelText, DiscountPriceLabelText, WebPriceLabelText, SavingsMessageLabelText, SavingsMessage or OnSaleGraphicPath properties of any PricingControl.

If you override a View List by default for newly created Accounts, choose the desired View List from the drop-down list.




Be sure to click the button when you are finished making any edits.

The Characteristics Tab

 Use the Characteristicstab to [description].




Be sure to click the button when you are finished making any edits.

Removing Customer Class Data

To remove a Customer Class and all of the information about it, click on the Delete button within the grid.