CyberStore Oasis Documentation
CyberStore License Manager
User's Guide > The Management Console > Tools Menu Overview > CyberStore License Manager

The "CyberStore License Manager" allows you to view your CyberStore licensing information.

To access the window in the Console menu, go to Tools > CyberStore License Manager.

When the application has loaded, the "CyberStore License Manager" appears on the screen.



The window contains the following sections:

General Information
Product Name The product you are licensed to use (i.e., CyberStore).
Product Expiration The date your license becomes invalid.
License Type The type of license, which indicates what you can do with CyberStore.
Modules The types of modules you can access with your license, the number of users who can access each, and the dates up to which you can use them.

To load a new license file, select the Browse button, select the license configuration file on your system, then click the Upload button.

The new license will take effect the next time the application starts or within 4 hours, which ever comes first.