CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Deciding to Upgrade
Release Notes > Deciding to Upgrade
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When you learn that a new version of CyberStore has been released, should you automatically upgrade to the latest version?

We certainly recommend that you upgrade your version of CyberStore as soon as you have the opportunity. However, you may choose to wait until a later version is made available depending on the version you are currently running. Taking a closer look at the specific version of CyberStore you are running as compared to the number of the release version can provide some insight into whether you should immediately upgrade or whether you can wait for a subsequent version. 

Current Shipping Version

Release Date: December 12, 2023

To help understand the CyberStore's system of numbering releases, we have created this page as a guide to determining which version you are running and to help you weigh the benefits of upgrading to newer versions.

The Significance of the Version Number

Each of the numbers represented in the version number are useful in helping you to decide whether to upgrade your website. In this section, we will break down the meaning behind each portion of the version name. For your reference and convenience, we will use the following sample version number in each of our subsequent explanations: RC.

Major Release

When the number before the first decimal point changes (e.g., from 1 to 2 or from 2 to 3), it signifies that a major release took place. A major release tends to be incompatible with earlier versions, so it is imperative that you upgrade your system in order to maintain functionality.

Additional planning is needed to accommodate upgrade prerequisites or other conversion considerations.

Service Pack Release (SP)

When the number immediately before the second decimal changes (e.g., from 2.10 to 2.11), this signifies a service pack release. Service pack releases are intended to be backward compatible and contain less drastic changes in comparison to major releases. However, service pack releases contain various system updates, new features, and bug fixes that will improve the functionality of your web store.

Again, we strongly recommend you upgrade each time we issue a service pack release. It is a much smoother transition to upgrade between consecutive service pack versions than it is to upgrade between, let's say, versions 2.6 and 2.11.

Maintenance Release (M)

When the number in front of the third decimal changes (e.g., from 2.11.1 to 2.11.2) or when a third number is added, this signifies a maintenance release. Maintenance releases contain some new features and bug fixes but like service packs maintain backwards compatibility. When there is a new maintenance release, you may find it useful to review these changes to determine if you want to take advantage of them immediately. Otherwise, you can rest knowing that these changes will be delivered in the subsequent service pack release, of which the maintenance updates will be a part.


Version 2.11 is the earliest version that contains maintenance releases.

Revision Numbers (REV)

Following the main three numbers that represent the official version release number, you might see four additional digits (e.g., Those final four digits represent the revision number of that release.

You generally only need this number when contacting representatives at Dovetail. This helps us to find the exact version of the CyberStore code that your website is running so we can best provide assistance for any inquiries.

Phase of Development (PH)

You may also notice letters following the version number (e.g., RC). These letters indicate the phase of development the version you are running is in. Likely, these letters will signify one of four phases: alpha, beta, release candidate, and release.

For reference here is a list of possible phases of development.

When in initial development, the alpha phase is used. This phase is internal for development purposes only and will not be available for client use.

If your version is in the beta phase, this means that the features are still being tested and the methods not yet fully verified, but we wanted to give you access to these as soon as possible for use on your Site. As soon as the release candidate or the final release version is available, update your version to ensure greater stability.

If your version is a release candidate, this means that the version has been fully tested and deemed stable but may still be undergoing documentation and branding stages of development. You simply have access to the next version before it has been officially released.

Finally, if your version is in the release phase, it means that the version has been tested, deemed stable, documented, branded and is available to the entirety of our client base for their use.

Update (U)

Though not considered a standard release version, from time to time, and for very specific reasons, an out of band version may be produced that applies an Update (or patch) to a specific previously released version. When this occurs, it is called an Update. Updates are not generally released and are made available to specific customers, when appropriate. With an update, the first three parts of the version number will match the previously released version that it is targeted for, though the version part in the fourth position will contain a different revision number and the term Update will be included in the properties of any compiled part of the release. For example, if was a released version, a potential update build for that version could be numbered [Update].


To request an update version, please contact

See Also