CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Change Password Confirmation Email
In This Topic

The Change Password Confirmation Email is sent submits a change password request.

The process will send an email with a confirmation code to the address of record for the account to confirm the request. The shopper then returns to the site where they must submit the verification code to complete the request. The password will only change after confrimation, and the request will expire after 24 hours if not confirmed.

Default Configuration

The information below documents the default configuration for the email. To cusomize the email configuration, use the Setup > Email Manager maintenance screen in the CyberStore Management Console

Default Header

Field Value
LinkName ChangePasswordConfirmation
To {Auto-populated}

Change Password Confirmation

CC {Blank}


Description {Blank}

Default Body

The following HTML code is used by default as the email body for this message.

Email HTML
Copy Code
Dear [FirstName],
<br />A change password request was submitted for your Account at <a href="[EcommerceURL]">
    The Outdoors
</a>. To complete the process, please enter the following secure code into the Verification Code field on the
Change Password page by returning to your browser, or visiting <a href="[ChangePasswordURL]">this link</a>.
<br />[verificationcode]
<br />Once you have entered the secure code, your password will be reset.
<br />Please note that
this verification code is only valid for 24 hours from the time of the initial request. If the code is not successfully
verified by that time, the change password request will be deleted without processing.

Replacement Tags

Replacement Tags provide the means to do a text merge of values relevant to the action preceeding the email and include dynamic data in the email being sent.

Global Tags

The following are tags globally avaialble for all emails.

Tag Description
[CustomerDefaultEmail] The email address of record for the Customer
[DefaultEmail] The default address as configured for the Site
[FromAddress] The from address configured for the email
[SendDate] The date the email was sent
[SendTime] The time the email was sent
[ToAddress]  The to address configured for the email

Email Specific Tags

The following are the tags specific to the Change Password Confirmation Email.

Tag Description
[ChangePasswordURL] The web address of the change password page for the Site.
[EcommerceURL] The web address configured for the Site
[Email] The email address of the active Account
[FirstName] The first name of the active Account
[Global] The Global Message configured for the Site
[LastName] The last name of the active Account
[My Account URL] The address of the My Account page for the Site
[New Account Email Address] Same as [Account Email Address]

Important Note:

There is no replacement tag available for the value of the password. This is by design and follows best practices.

Customer Replacement Tags

In adddition to the email specific replacement tags in the table above, the following are tags available to this email template.

Tag Description
[CustomerNumber] The Customer Number
[CustomerClass] The name of the Customer Class
[CustomerName] The Customer Name
[CustomerPhone] The phone number of record of the Customer
[CustomerFax] The fax number of record of the Customer
[CustomerContact] The contact of record of the Customer

On-File (B2B) Behavior:

When the email is being sent in the context of an On File (B2B) account and customer then all tags are available and will replace with the data from the Customer record.

B2C Behavior:

When the email is being sent in the context of an account that is not On File (B2C, anonymous or logged-in) then only the [CustomerClass] tag is available and any of the other tags will replace with blank values.