CyberStore Oasis Documentation
User Group Administration

The "Group Administration" grid allows you to assign specific capabilites to the various groups of users.

To access the window in the Console menu, go to Tools > User & Group Administration > Group Administration.


When the application has loaded, the "Group Administration" grid appears.



The Maintenance grid offers the following functions:

After you select the Add or Edit button on the grid, the grid's maintenance pop-up appears. Then you can add or edit specific information. After you select the Delete button, the Console asks you to confirm the deletion, and once confirmed permanently deletes the row.

A right-click Context Menu provides functions available for indivdual rows, one at a time.


Simply right-click on a row, then pick from the list of available options for the grid, and the selected action will be performed just on that row.


Important Note:

The group named "Administrators" is a CyberStore built-in group and can neither be edited, nor deleted.



Use this form to add a new group and select your preferences. When finished, click the Save button. Otherwise, click the Cancel button to exit without saving.

This edit form contains the following sections:

Group Administration Information
Name The name of the group.
Description The type of users contained within or the type of pages involved with that group.
Active The ability to interact with your web store, as designated by a checkmark.