CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Invoice Terms
User's Guide > The Management Console > Setup Menu Overview > Invoice Terms

The "Invoice Terms Maintenance" screen allows you to maintain the list of invoice terms available to CyberStore.

To access the screen in the Console menu, go to Setup > Invoice Terms.

When the application has loaded, the "Invoice Terms Maintenance" screen pops up.



Maintaining Invoice Data

The "Invoice Terms Maintenance" screen contains the following tab:


The General Tab

Use the General tab to maintain general invoice term information and to configure options.



The General tab contains the following elements:

General Information
Invoice Term Code The code for the invoice term as maintained in SYSPRO. It cannot be edited in CyberStore.
Name The name for the invoice term.


Be sure to click the button when you are finished making any edits.

Browse Invoice Term Codes

To search for a particular invoice term code, click the "Find" ( ) button. The "Browse" screen pops up.



Add Invoice Term Codes

To add an invoice term code, click the "New" (  ) button. The "AR Terms" screen pops up.




Remove Invoice Term Codes

To remove an invoice term code and all of the information about it, click the "Delete" button ().