CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Item Hot Spot Diagram Maintenance

The "Item Hot Spot Diagram Maintenance" screen allows you to associate Hot Spot Diagrams to the Item for the row.

To access this screen, go to Items > Item and Category Maintenance


In the "Item Maintenance" grid, locate the row designated for the Item whose Hot Spot Diagrams you want to edit. Select the corresponding Edit button under the "Hot Spot Diagrams" column.

When the application has loaded, the following "Item Hot Spot Diagram Maintenance" screen appears.



Maintaining Hot Spot Diagrams

This screen contains the following sections:

Item Hot Spot Diagram Maintenance Information
Selected Hot Spot Diagrams for Stock Code Diagrams that you have already designated for display in conjunction with this particular Item.
Available Hot Spot Diagrams Additional diagrams that you can choose for display with this Item.