In order to help control the impact of large amounts of log files being saved to a single log directory, we have created an available Operation called ArchiveLogsToZipFiles that will handle creating .zip files daily of all logs prior to the current day, named for the date and are stored in an Archives directory.

When ArchiveLogsToZipFiles runs, the following will occur:
- Using the Log Directory specified in Site Manager > Site Configuration > Logging, the system will begin the process of clearing out all files with the extension .xml from the directory.
- A folder called "Verbose Log Archives" will be created in the log directory if it does not exist.
- Files for each day prior to today will be archived into individual .zip files. One file per day. The name of the zip fill will be in YYYYMMDD.zipformat.
- Files are moved to a temporary sub folder created in the Verbose Log Archives folder named in the format "Month YYYY" (e.g. "September 2018"), when done moving all files from a day, the folder is zipped and the temp move to folder is deleted.
- When there are no files, no action is taken and no error reported.
- The process does not archive any sub folders in the log folder, nor any files that are not .xml files.
See Also
User's Guide
Site Manager