CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Update Customers from SYSPRO Operation
In This Topic

The Update Customers from SYSPRO Operation Command updates item data from SYSPRO.

Command UpdateAllCustomersSYSPRO


When the operation runs, it synchronizes Customer master data that is maintained in the SYSPRO customer accounts receivables master.



When the UpdateAllCustomersSYSPRO Operation Command is executed by the Opeartion Agent, it will determine the list of Customers in scope using the configured agent parameters (if any). The agent will then spawn a new Operation Transaction and process through each customer, one at a time and do the following:

  1. Query SYSPRO to retrieve the current customer information from SYSPRO
  2. Update the CyberStore Customer data which is maintained in SYSPRO.
  3. Record any issues during each Transaction Cycle
  4. Complete the transaction, log the operation details with information about any Customers that may have caused error, and send emails as configured in the Operation Center settings.

Customer Data Maintained in SYSPRO

The table below lists which CyberStore Customer Master fields are used to store SYPSRO Data from a Customer query:

CyberStore Customer Field SYSPRO Customer Query Node (//ArCustomer/Customer/...)
CustomerNumber Customer
Name Name
Telephone Telephone
Contact Contact
DefaultEmail Email
UserField1 UserField1
CreditLimit CreditLimit
TaxStatus TaxStatus
TaxExemptionNum TaxExemptNumber
CurrencyCode Currency
WarehouseToUse SalesWarehouse
isTPMCustomer TpmPricingFlag
StateCode StateCode
InvoiceTerm_Code TermsCode (*only updates from SYSPRO on initial load)
Salesperson Salesperson
Salesperson3 Salesperson3
BuyingGroup5 BuyingGroup5
InvoiceDiscountCode InvDiscCode
Branch Branch
LineDiscountCode LineDiscCode


Available Agent Parameters

When setting up an UpdateAllItemsSYSPRO operation in the operation center, you can limit the scope of the update by items in a category, or a specific item by using the new Categories or Items arguments in the Settings tab.

Arguments can be used together or individually in a single operation.

Parameter Description Example


A comma-separated list of Customer Numbers

Customers: 0000002, 0000038, S123456


A comma-separated list of CyberStore Customer Classes

Classes: Wholesaler, Dealer, Special
Classes: all
See Also

User's Guide

