CyberStore Oasis Documentation
The Update Items from SYSPRO Operation
In This Topic

The Update Items from SYSPRO Operation Command updates item data from SYSPRO.

Command UpdateAllItemsSYSPRO


When the operation runs, it synchronizes Item master data that is maintained in the SYSPRO stock code inventory master.



When the UpdateAllItemsSYSPRO Operation Command is executed by the Opeartion Agent, it will determine the list of Items in scope using the configured agent parameters (if any). The agent will then spawn a new Operation Transaction and process through each item, one at a time and do the following:

  1. Query SYSPRO to retrieve the current stock code information from SYSPRO
  2. Update the CyberStore Item data which is maintained in SYSPRO.
  3. Record any issues during each Transaction Cycle
  4. Complete the transaction, log the operation details with information about any Items that may have caused error, and send emails as configured in the Operation Center settings.

Item Data Maintained in SYSPRO

The table below lists which CyberStore Item Master fields are used to store SYPSRO Data from an Item query:

CyberStore Item Field SYSPRO Item Query Node (//InvQuery/StockItem/...)
StockCode StockCode
Mass Mass
Volume Volume
Name Description
LongDescription2 LongDesc
TechnicalInformation Narrations/TechnicalInformation
Unit StockUom
AltUnit AlternateUom
PriceMethod PriceMethod
OtherUnit OtherUom
AltUnitConversion ConvFactAltUom
OtherUnitConversion ConvFactOthUom
AltUnitConversionFactor ConvMulDiv
OtherUnitConversionFactor MulDiv
UserField1 UserField1
UserField2 UserField2
UserField3 UserField3
UserField4 UserField4
UserField5 UserField5
WarehouseToUse WarehouseToUse
ProductClass ProductClass
KitType KitType
SerialMethod SerialMethod
TraceableType TraceableType
ListPrice SellingPrice
ListPriceUOM PriceBasis


Available Agent Parameters

When setting up an UpdateAllItemsSYSPRO operation in the operation center, you can limit the scope of the update by items in a category, or a specific item by using the new Categories or Items arguments in the Settings tab.

Arguments can be used together or individually in a single operation.

Parameter Description Example


A comma-separated list of category paths (the address part of a category page address following /category/)

Categories: bikes/mountain-bikes, parts


A comma-separated list of stock codes

Note:  Since spaces are valid stock code characters, when a stock code begins with a space, it is necessary to surround that item with single quotes (').
Items: A100, A103, SER200, ' 123456A'

Parameters Example

See Also

User's Guide


Items and Categories