In the ongoing effort to improve overall system performance changes were made in this release as follows:
- Searching performance has been improved by eliminating the post back performed allowing the user to be immediately redirected to the search results page.
- Item image rendering speed has been increased by eliminating unnecessary filesystem information queries.
- Item searching and category displays have been improved by the introduction of a SQL View to combine View List, Item, Category and Approved status in a single lookup.
- When using Item Filtering, performance has been increased dramatically by creating a new Characteristic Cache that carries their values in system memory.
The Characteristic Cache is built at the time of application start and is not refreshed unless the application restarts. When making changes to characteristic values, it will be necessary to rebuild the Characteristics Cache. A console maintenance page has been provided to do this without causing the application to restart. To do so, login to your Console and then go to Tools > Application Settings.