CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Shipping Methods
User's Guide > The Management Console > Setup Menu Overview > Shipping Methods

The "Shipping Methods Maintenance List" allows you to maintain your shipping methods and the information about them.

To access the list in the Console menu, go to Setup > Shipping Methods.

When the application has loaded, the "Shipping Methods Maintenance List" appears on the screen.


The Maintenance grid offers the following functions:

After you select the Add or Edit button on the grid, the grid's maintenance pop-up appears. Then you can add or edit specific information. After you select the Delete button, the Console asks you to confirm the deletion, and once confirmed permanently deletes the row.

A right-click Context Menu provides functions available for indivdual rows, one at a time.


Simply right-click on a row, then pick from the list of available options for the grid, and the selected action will be performed just on that row.

Maintaining Shipping Method Data

When you click the Add button, the "Choose a SYSPRO Shipping Method" pop-up appears, allowing you to choose a new shipping method.



Upon clicking on a desired method, you are directed to another "Shipping Method" pop-up in which you can add more information on this method.

When you click Edit, the "Shipping Method Maintenance" pop-up appears. This pop-up contains the following tab:


The General Tab

Use the General tab to maintain general shipping method information and to configure options.



The General tab contains the following elements:

General Information
Instruction Code

The character code for the SYSPRO shipping method. Read Only.

Instruction Code Description

The description of the shipping method. Read Only.

Calculation Type

The type of calculation of shipping price for the Customer.

Selecting a value from the Calculation Type dropdown may update the General pop-up since different Calculation Types require different information on set up.