CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Upgrading .NET Remoting Service to a New Version

When a new version of the .NET Remoting Service is released, replace the previous version’s installation files with those belonging to the new version.

CyberStore .NET Remoting Service
Current Shipping Version

Release Date:  September 21, 2017

Download the Updated Remoting Service Package 

In your web browser, visit to download the latest Remoting Service installation package.

Stop the CyberStore Remoting Service 

Open Windows Services administrator tool on the SYSPRO Server. 

Locate and select “CyberStore Remoting Service.” 

Choose Action > Stop > Properties from the menu. 

The value for “Path to executable” indicates the installation directory. 

Close the "Properties" window.

Back Up the Current Service Installation 

On Windows Explorer, open the installation directory.

Create a new folder called Backup. 

Copy all files in the installation directory into the newly created Backup folder.

Remove the Current Installation 

Delete all files in the installation directory EXCEPT RemotingService.exe.config and any .LOG files.

Install the Updated Files

Copy files from the updated Remoting Service .ZIP file to this installation directory.


Do NOT overwrite any files.

When Upgrading to v2.13.3

When upgrading your .NET Remoting Service to v2.13.3.xxxx, there is an additional step required in order to complete the upgrade.

After completing the upgrade steps above, open the RemotingService.exe.config file in any text editor. You will need to add a node to the <service> section. The line to be added is the fourth one in the example below that begins with the node <wellknown... and contains objectUri="RemoteSetup"

Copy Code
    <customErrors mode="on" />
        <wellknown mode="SingleCall" type="Dovetail.Services.EnetRemoting.RemoteQuery, Dovetail.Services" objectUri="RemoteQuery" />
        <wellknown mode="SingleCall" type="Dovetail.Services.EnetRemoting.RemoteUtil, Dovetail.Services" objectUri="RemoteUtil" />
        <wellknown mode="SingleCall" type="Dovetail.Services.EnetRemoting.RemoteTransaction, Dovetail.Services" objectUri="RemoteTransaction" />
        <!-- Add the following line to your RemotingService.exe.config file when upgrading -->
        <wellknown mode="SingleCall" type="Dovetail.Services.EnetRemoting.RemoteSetup, Dovetail.Services" objectUri="RemoteSetup" />



Un-register and Re-Register the Service

In order to complete the upgrade, you should un-register and re-register the .NET Remoting Service.

To do so, in a command prompt, navigate to the .NET installation folder using the following:

cd c:\windows\\framework\v4.0.30319\

Next, un register the service using the following command:

installutil.exe /u "C:\Program Files(x86)\dovetail\RemotingService\RemotingService.exe"

where the path above is the location of the RemotingService.exe file.

Finally, re-register the service using the following command:

installutil.exe "C:\Program Files(x86)\dovetail\RemotingService\RemotingService.exe"

Restart the CyberStore Remoting Service

Return to the Services administrator. 

Locate and select “CyberStore Remoting Service.” 

Choose Action > Start.