CyberStore Oasis Documentation
WarehouseQuantityMessage Property (ShoppingCartQuickEntryControl)

Dovetail.Ecommerce.Controls Namespace > ShoppingCartQuickEntryControl Class : WarehouseQuantityMessage Property
Gets or sets a message describing the warehouse quantity. Introduced in v2.20.2.

Property Value

A message describing the warehouse quantity.

The property WarehouseQuantityMessage can be used to set a custom string use when displaying the quantity by warehouse details. The replacement tags [code], [description] and [qty] are all supported. The default value is the HTML string below.

<div class="warehouseDetail"><span class="warehouse">[code]:</span><span class="warehouseQTY">[Qty]</span></div>


Implementer's Note:

When including HTML code in the WarehouseQuantityMessage  the SitePages.config file, then it is necessary to use HTML converted codes (e.g. &lt; for <, &gt; for > and &quot; for double quotes, or use single quotes instead)


See Also


ShoppingCartQuickEntryControl Class
ShoppingCartQuickEntryControl Members