CyberStore Oasis 2023 Documentation
Order Receipt Email
In This Topic

The Order Receipt Email is sent to the email address for the Account after placing an order. It is desinged to serve as an order receipt.

The process will only send the receipt if the "System Generated Order Receipt" option is checked in the Site Manager > Site Configuration > Email tab.

Default Configuration

The information below documents the default configuration for the email. To cusomize the email configuration, use the Setup > Email Manager maintenance screen in the CyberStore Management Console

Default Header

Field Value
LinkName OrderReceipt

[webaddress] - Order Receipt Confirmation No: [ordernumber]

CC {Blank}




Default Body

The following HTML code is used by default as the email body for this message.

Email HTML
Copy Code
Thank you for placing your order at [webaddress]
<br>The following receipt is for your records.
Confirmation No: [ordernumber]
<br>Order Date: [date]
<br>Order Total: [ordertotal]
<br>Payment Method:
<br>SOLD TO:
<br>[billcity], [billstate]
<br> [shipname]
<br>[shipcity], [shipstate] [shipzip]
<br>Method: [shipmethod]
<br>Special Instructions:
<br>SUBTOTAL: [subtotal]
<br> TAX: [taxamount]
<br>Order Total: [ordertotal]
<br>This is an automated message, please do not
<hr> website is presented for the ficticious company, The Outdoors Company. This site is intended
solely to demonstrate the features and capabilities of the SYSPRO e-Commerce System. ORDERS PLACED ON THIS SITE WILL NOT
BE FULFILLED. Any email communication between this site and you, as a visitor, are only to be used as examples of
certain system functionality and no promises, grants or rights should be inferred. For questions about the site or the
SYSPRO e-Commerce System, please contact SYSPRO at (800) 369-8649.

Replacement Tags

Replacement Tags provide the means to do a text merge of values relevant to the action preceeding the email and include dynamic data in the email being sent.

Global Tags

The following are tags globally avaialble for all emails.

Tag Description
[CustomerDefaultEmail] The email address of record for the Customer
[DefaultEmail] The default address as configured for the Site
[FromAddress] The from address configured for the email
[SendDate] The date the email was sent
[SendTime] The time the email was sent
[ToAddress]  The to address configured for the email

Email Specific Tags

The following are the tags specific to the Order Receipt Email.

Tag Description
[Account Email Address] The email address for the Account
[AccountEmailAddress] Same as [Account Email Address]
[AccountName] The first and last name of the Account
[AlternateKey] The sales order's alternate key value
[AlternateKeyReference] Same as [AlternateKey]
[BillAddress] The billing address line 1


The billing address line 2
[BillAddress3] The billing address line 3
[BillCity] The billing city
[BillState] The billing state/province
[BillZip] The billing Zip/Postal code
[BillingCountry] The billing country
[CustomerPO] Same as [PONumber]
[Date] Same as [OrderDate]
[GiftCertificateValue] The value of an applied web promotion code
[GSTTaxValue] The GST Tax value for the sales order
[ItemDetails] The item line details for the sales order
[OrderDate] The date of the sales order
[OrderHeaderComments] Order header comments entered on the sales order
[OrderNumber] The sales order number
[OrderTotal] The total value of the order, formatted in the currency of the sales order
[PaymentMethod] The method of payment used for the order
[PONumber] The purchse order number for the order
[RequestedShipDate] The ship date requested for the order
[ShipAddress] The ship to address line 1
[ShipAddress2] The ship to address line 2
[ShipAddress3] The ship to address line 3
[ShipCity] The ship to city
[ShipState] The ship to state/province
[ShipZip] The ship to zip/postal code
[ShipMethod] The shipping method for the order
[ShipName] The ship to name
[ShippingCost] The value for freight for the sales order
[ShippingCountry] The ship to country
[SpecialInstructions] The special instructions value for the sales order
[SubTotal] The order values before tax, shipping, order discount or web promotion
[TaxAmount] The tax valud for the sales order
[WebAddress] The web address configured for the Site

Customer Replacement Tags

In adddition to the email specific replacement tags in the table above, the following are tags available to this email template.

Tag Description
[CustomerNumber] The Customer Number
[CustomerClass] The name of the Customer Class
[CustomerName] The Customer Name
[CustomerPhone] The phone number of record of the Customer
[CustomerFax] The fax number of record of the Customer
[CustomerContact] The contact of record of the Customer

On-File (B2B) Behavior:

When the email is being sent in the context of an On File (B2B) account and customer then all tags are available and will replace with the data from the Customer record.

B2C Behavior:

When the email is being sent in the context of an account that is not On File (B2C, anonymous or logged-in) then only the [CustomerClass] tag is available and any of the other tags will replace with blank values.

Replacement Function Tags

The following table provides the list of available Tag Functions that can be used within the all system emails.

Function tags are written within the HTML body and must be contained within opening and closeing double brackets - "[[" and "]]", for example:

[[@IFERROR(@FORMATDATE(@ADDDAYS(@LATER([PurchaseDate], [LastServiceDate]), 366), "MMMM d, yyyy"), "a date in the near future")]]

In the example above, a function is indicated by the use of double square brackets, and the @ sign is a character that indicates a function is being performed, and in this example a function can contain a function and order of operations is from the inside out). The parameters can be replacement tags by the use of square bracket syntax, though actual values could be submitted by not using brackets around the parameters.

If a function cannot evaluate a result, has invalid parameters, or a calculation error occurs, then an blank string is returned.

General Functions

Function Description
@VOID() Do nothing. (Most cases use this as a fallback/system function)

Date Functions

Function Description
@LATER(date1, date2,..., daten) Compare the two or more date/time values and determine which occurs after the other, and return that later value.
@EARLIER(date1, date2, ..., daten) Compare two or more date/time values and determine which occurs before the other, and return that earlier value.
@DATEDIFF(date1, date2) Returns the difference between two dates, including years, months, days like 1 year, 4 months, 3 days
@DATEDIFFDAYS(date1, date2) Returns the difference between two dates, in days.
@ADDDAYS(date, numDays) Using a date value, add a number of days to it and return it. A negative number subtracts that number of days from the date and returns a previous date.
@ADDMONTHS(date, numMonths) Using a date value, add a number of months to it and return it. A negative number subtracts that number of months from the date and returns a previous date.
@ADDYEARS(date, numYears) Using a date value, add a number of years to it and return it. A negative number subtracts that number of years from the date and returns a previous date.
@FORMATDATE(date, "formatString") Formats the date using the specified string. Available format strings can be found at

 Math Functions

Function Description
@SUM(number1, number2,... numbern) Add together two or more numeric values (integer or real) and return the calculated total
@SUBTRACT(number1, number2,... numbern) Calculate the diffierence between two or more numbers. The calculation is performed form left to right.
@MULTIPLY(number1, number2,... number n) Multiply two or more numbers to evaluate the product.
@DIVIDE(number1, number2) Calculate the quotient of two numbers by dividing the first parameter by the second.
@AVERAGE(number1, number2,... numbern) Calculate the average of two or more numbers by deriving the sum of all the numbers and divide by the total quantity of numbers.
@MOD(number1, number2) Calculate the remainder (or modulo or modulus) when dividing two numbers. The first parameter is divided by the second and the result is the remainder, or 0 if no remainder.
@FORMATNUMBER(number, "formatString") Formats a number in the specifed format. Available formats as listed at 

 Logical Functions

Function Description
@IFERROR(@FUNCTION, then) Returns a value you specify if a @FUNCTION evaluates to an error; otherwise, returns the result of the FUNCTION