CyberStore Oasis 2023 Documentation
Promotion Maintenance
User's Guide > The Management Console > Setup Menu Overview > Promotion Maintenance
In This Topic

The "Promotion Maintenance" screen allows you to maintain promotions that you want to offer through your web store.

To access the screen in the Console menu, go to Setup > Promotion Maintenance.

When the application has loaded, the  "Promotions" grid pops up.



Maintaining Promotion Data

When you click the Edit or Add button, the "Gift Certificate Maintenance" pop-up appears. This pop-up contains the following tabs:

General Category Customer Items

The General Tab

Use the General tab to maintain general promotional information and to configure options.



The General tab contains the following settings:

General Information
Promotion Type

Select the type activity the promotion will be based upon.

Order - the promotion will be valid for a sales order and can be applied before completing the checkout of an order. The promotion results in the reduction of the value of the order.

Quote - the promotion will be valid for a quliafying quote and can be applied before completing the completing the submission of a quote. The promotion results in the reduction of the value of the quotation.

Service Request- the promotion will be valid for a qualifying service request and can be applied before completing the submission of the request. The promotion results in the reducitn of the value of the quoted service.

Gift Certificate Number The unique identifier for a given promotion that the shopper enters into your Site. This is not case sensitive.
Description A brief description of the promotion for your own use that appears only in the Console.
Expiration Date The first day that the promotion is no longer valid.
Number of Uses

The maximum number of Accounts that can enter the gift certificate number and access the promotion. Once this maximum has been reached, the promotion expires.

If you have no preference for the number of Accounts that access the promotion, set the number in this field to a value higher than the number of Accounts you anticipate entering the gift certificate number.

A percentage reduction can only be used once. A flat rate reduction can be used again only until the shopper has used the entire balance, at which point it cannot be used again.

Discount Type

The discount methodology to apply to the promotion.

Dollar - The promotion will apply an fixed discount amount in the currency of the promotion entity and reduces the total value of the order, quote or service request.

Percent - The promotion will apply a discount amount calculated as a percentage of the total value of the order, quote or service request. The discount is taken from the promtion entity total amount.

Price List - The promotion will apply a discount to items in the linked price list only for items included in the price list. The discount is applied at the line level, changing the line price of the item for the corresponding order, quote or service request.

Discount Value

The value of the discount, in either dollars or a percentage.

When minimum order value is less than discount value (when the discount is a dollar amount), the shopper can continue to use the promotion in the future until they have used it up entirely. Each time the shopper enters the gift certificate number, the number will reflect a reduction in value from the previous use.

Minimum Order Value The minimum amount the shopper must spend to be eligible for the discount.
Free Shipping

A box that, when checked, includes free shipping as a part of the promotion.

To set up a promotion consisting solely of free shipping, enter a value of "0" in either the "Dollar Value" (if the "Use as Dollar Discount" box is checked) or "Percentage" fields (if the "Use as Dollar Discount" box is left unchecked). Every promotion must have a value in one of these fields to be deemed valid.


Be sure to click the button when you are finished making any edits.

The Category Tab

 Use the Categorytab to designate the Categories of Items to which the promotion applies.



The Categorytab contains the following settings:

Category Information
All Categories A box that, when checked, indicates that Items from any Category can be included in the promotion.
Specific Categories A Category tree that allows you to select the particular Categories of Items to which the promotion applies.


Be sure to click the button when you are finished making any edits.

The Customer Tab

 Use the Customertab to designate the Customers who are eligible to use the promotion.



The Customer tab contains the following settings:

Customer Information
All Customers A box that, when checked, indicates that any Customer can make use of the promotional deal.
Specific Customer The identifier for a specific Customer to whom the promotion applies.


Be sure to click the button when you are finished making any edits.

The Items Tab

 Use the Itemstab to designate specific Items to which the promotion applies.



The Items tab contains the following settings:

Items Information
All Items A box that, when checked, indicates that the promotion can be applied to the purchase of any Item.
Specific Items A list containing the only Items that can be included in the promotion.


Be sure to click the button when you are finished making any edits.