CyberStore E-Payment 2023 Documentation
Quote Integration
User's Guide > The Management Console > Site Manager > Quote Integration

The third tab in the "Site Manager" is the Quotes tab.

The tab allows you to customize how the quote status is displayed.

Quote Status Options

The Quote Status Options Tab

Use the Quote Status Options tab to customize the text that can be displayed for the different quote status.

The Quote Status Options tab contains the following:

Quote Status Options
Quote Status 0 Display Text The text to display when an Quote status is 0. Default is "In Process"
Quote Status 1 Display Text The text to display when an Quote status is 1. Default is "Ready for Printing"
Quote Status 2 Display Text The text to display when an Quote status is 2. Default is "Printed"
Quote Status 4 Display Text The text to display when an Quote status is 4. Default is "Confirmed"
Quote Status H Display Text The text to display when an Quote status is H. Default is "On Hold"
Quote Status R Display Text The text to display when an Quote status is R. Default is "Rejected"
Quote Status \ Display Text The text to display when an Quote status is \. Default is "Cancelled"
Quote Status Unknown Display Text The text to display when an Quote status is Unknown. Default is "Status Unknown"

Important Note:

Changes made in the Site Manager take effect immediately and are saved as soon as you leave a field, check a box, or make a drop-down selection.

The change confirmation mark  appears next to the field you are editing and disappears upon saving.


See Also