Updated Code Signing Certificate for Installer (#18365)
The certificate used to validate the author of the software has been updated
Add "Default Sort" Option to Sort Order Configuration (#18196)
In v2.21.8, the Site Manager > Catalog Configuration screen's General tab, a new option under the "Default Item Listing Sort By" selection has been added.

The new option is for "Default Sort Order" which if selected, the result will be that no additional sort order will be used to determine the sequence beyond that returned naturally by the type of search set on the "Default Search Option" setting.
Additional Pagination Options in Items_TileListing Widget (#15632)
New widget options have been added to the Items_TileListing widget pager features:
- pagerShowPrevAtEdge - to disable displaying a previous button in the pager when on the first page, set the value to false, default is true
- pagerShowNextAtEdge - to disable displaying a next button in the pager when on the last page, set the value to false, default is true
- pagerShowJustOne - to disable showing any pager at all when there is only a single page, set the value to false, default is true
Item Maintenance - Category Selection UI Improvements (#15020)
The experience for selecting categories when maintaining items has been improved. The following updates have been introduced
- Load all categories without paging with automatic scrolling as required
- Added search bar that filters down rows based on search text typed
- Added Category ID filed to Name column
- Added Category Path column to the tree
- Added a Done button to the bottom of the popup
- Fills the same space as item edit popup
- Added the stock code to title of the popup

Current Date and Time in SQL Backup DB filenames created during upgrade (#12701)
During upgrades performed by the CyberStore installation program, database backup files will now have a file name in the form below.
For Example:
CyberStoreForSYSPRO_2021-02-03 08 09 04.bak
See Also
Release Notes
Items and Categories
Site Manager