CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Catalog Configuration
User's Guide > The Management Console > Site Manager > Catalog Configuration
In This Topic

The second tab in the "Site Manager" is the Catalog Configuration tab.

This tab allows you to set Catalog display preferences and defaults. You can access the various options through the sub tabs on the left side of the screen. These include:

General Account Settings Distributor Settings Item Defaults Price Settings Quantity Settings Shopping Cart Hot Spots Templates

The General Tab

Use the General tab to maintain general catalog setup information and to configure options.



The General tab contains the following elements:

General Information
Item Listing Page Size The number of items to display in listings before requiring the user to page or scroll to see more.
Default Item Listing Sort By

The order in which Items will be displayed in Item listings.

The available "Default Item Listing Sort By" options are:


  • Default Sort

Single Dimensional Options

  • Name (SYSRPO Description)
  • Headline
  • Sub Headline
  • Short Description
  • Long Description 2 (SYSPRO Long Description)
  • StockCode
  • Item Sort Order
  • Category Sort Order

Multi-Dimensional Options

  • Name then Long Description 2
  • Headline then Item Sort Order
  • Headline then Category Sort Order
  • Sub Headline then Item Sort Order
  • Sub Headline then Category Sort Order


Preferred Unit of Measure

The unit of measure, which if defined for an Item is the default unit of measure to used within the Catalog.

The "Preferred Unit of Measure" options include:

  • Pricing Unit of Measure
  • Stocking Unit of Measure
  • Alternate Unit of Measure
  • Other Unit of Measure


For more information about unit of measure business logic, and how Preferred Unit of Measure is determined, please see the Preferred Unit of Measure topic. 

Search Fields For Item

A list of CyberStore Item database columns in which the catalog search will look to in order to match a shopper's search criteria. Clicking in the field area lists available fields in the database.

Available Item fields are:

  • Stock Code
  • Name
  • Headline
  • Sub Headline
  • Long Description 2 (SYSPRO Long Description)
  • Short Description
  • Long Description
  • Title
  • Meta Description
  • Meta Keywords
  • Product Class
  • Alternative Part Numbers
Search Fields for Category

A list of CyberStore Category database columns in which the catalog search will look to in order to match a shopper's search criteria. Clicking in the fiedl area lists available fields in the database.

Available Category fields are:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Photo Path
  • Hierarchy
  • Title
  • Meta Keywords
  • Meta Description
  • Category Path 
Default Search Option

The default search algorithm for Item searches. The following choices are available:

Search Options

Definition and Example

A Keyword search looks up each word individually.

For example, if a Shopper searches for "Fast Big Bike" a keyword search will look up "Fast", "Big", and "Bike" individually and may produce results that have keywords "Big" and "Fast" but not "Bike".


A Phrase search will look up exact matches of the submitted text.

For example, if a Shopper searches for "Fast Big Bike" a phrase search will only display results that match the phrase "Fast Big Bike" and exclude results that do not contain the full phrase.

Full Text Relevance

A Full Text Relevance search looks for various combinations of all words submitted, and lists results based on a relevance ranking.

For example, if a Shopper searches for "Fast Big Bike" a full text relevance search will display all results with the keywords in a phrase irregardless of the phrase's order. This will produce results such as "Big Fast Bike" or "Bike Big and Fast".


A "Fuzzy" search will look for the search phrase being partly found, and lists results ranked by relevance.

For example, if a Shopper searches for "Fast Big Bike" a "Fuzzy" search will display results that partially contain the keywords of the phrase. This will produce results such as "Biggest Fastest Motorbike" or "Ultrafast Big Snowbike".

Searches are case insensitive by design.

Request For Bulk Label The label used for the Request for Bulk link.
Request For Bulk URL The URL for the Request for Bulk link.

The Account Settings Tab

 Use the Account Settingstab to modify account settings of your users. .



The Account Settingstab contains the following sections:

Account Settings Information
Account Security

This section contains settings that affect login security for front end shoppers.

Enable Account Lockout - enable this feature to force shopper accoutns to "lock out" and prevent login for a set period of time after a number of successive login attempt failures.

Failed Attempts Before Account Locks: Sets the number of login failures before locking the Account. Default is 3.

Length of Lockout (in minutes): The amount of time the Account remains locked before a successful login can occur. Default is 15 (minutes).

Auto Fill Leading Zeros on Customer Number during B2B Account Registration Select this option to automatically allow the CyberStore application to add leading zeros to a user's Customer Number input during registration.
Number of Characters to Limit Customer Number to When SYSPRO is set to mask a certain number of leading characters in a Customer Number, use this setting to emulate that configuration in CyberStore.
Customer Number Format

The format used for Customer Number.

Options include:

  • lowercase
  • MuLtI CaSe
Associated Customer Change Confirmation Dialog Text Text entered here will display in the message pop up when a logged-in Shopper changes their associated Customer using the CustomerMasterAccountControl.
Account Security Allows the application of Account Lockout. By default 3 faied login attempts will result in a 15 minute lockout, however both of these numbers can be changed in their respective text box.

Where are Customer Character and Format Settings?

Previously, the number of character limit for Customer Number and its format had settings on this tab. They have since been moved to the A/R Integration section in the General tab.

The Distributor Settings Tab

 Use the Distributor Settingstab to [description].



The Distributor Settings tab contains the following elements:

Distributor Settings Information
Distributor On Hand Message when Available (Quantity > 0) Message to display when a Distributor's On Hand quantity is greater than zero.
Distributor On Hand Message when Unavailable (Quantity <= 0) Message to display when a Distributor's On Hand quantity is equal to or less than zero.
Max Miles for Distributor Search Results The maximum number of miles to include in a distributor search.
Max Miles for Distributor Listing Results The maximum number of miles to display in a distributor result listing.

The Item Defaults Tab

 Use the Item Defaultstab to define your Default SKU Selection Mode and set up Item Accessory Options.




The Item Defaults tab contains the following elements:

Item Defaults Information
Default SKU Selection Mode

The default setting for SKU selection when using the CatalogPricingControl.

Options available are:

SKU Selection Mode Behavior
Simple Uses the SKU Selection drop down and loads price for the SKU on the same Item Detail Page.
Simple Redirect Uses the SKU Selection dropdown and redirects the user to the chose SKU Detail Page.
Advanced Uses the Advanced SKU Selection navigation taking the Shopper through various options and then loading the resulting SKU details into the same Item Detail Page.

This setting can be overridden using the SKUSelectionMode property.

Edit Default SKU Selection Fields

A button that, when clicked, allows you to arrange the SKU Characteristics.

When you click the Edit Default SKU Selection Fields button, a pop-up appears that allows you to adjust the SKU Selection Fields grid.


Use the buttons within the grid to organize your SKU Characteristics:

Action Description Notes

When you click the Add button, a new row appears at the top of the grid. Here you can select an Item-type Family Name and a Characteristic Name from the respective drop-down lists.

The Characteristic Name drop-down list is filtered with Characteristics related to the Family you chose. 



When you click Save, the newly added Family/Characteristic pair is added as a row at the bottom of the grid.
Delete When you click the Delete button, the corresponding SKU is deleted from the available SKU Selection Fields for the Model. You are asked to first confirm this decision.

When you use the Top, Up, Down, and Bottom buttons, you can adjust the sort order of the SKU Selection Fields within the grid.

The values for the SKUSelectionFields within the ITM_Item database table consist of a comma delimited list of Family/Characteristic pairs. The order from left to right dictates the order of processing by front-end controls.

For example, the data contained within the image above would read, "Specifications/Color,Specifications/Wheelbase,Specifications/SIZE".


When you make changes to the Item-level SKU Selection Field configurations, be sure that the SKUSelectionFields property does not occur inside any SitePages.config control definitions.


Action Type used to add Accessories to the Shopping Cart

Choose which way shoppers will add accessorized Items to the Shopping Cart. The options are:

  • Drop Down (default) - when an Item is able to be added with accessories, if the shopper's mouse hovers over the Add to Cart button, a drop down appears presenting the option to add with selected accessories. Clicking the button versus the drop down link will add the item without accessories.
  • Button - a separate Add to Cart with Options button is displayed which must be clicked to add the item to the cart. Note that only this button will be shown (and never the drop down option, even if selected) if the accessorized Item is configured to always add with accessories.
Allow Accessorized Item Ordering in Any Quantity Allows the shopper to add Accessorized Items and individual accessories to the cart in any quantity desired (so long as it is not less than a configured minimum). When disabled, Accessorized items and accessories will always have a single quantity when adding to the cart and cannot be changed by the shopper.
Allow the quantity of Accessorized Items to be modified in the Shopping Cart Allows the shopper to adjust the quantities of Accessorized Item and individual accessories when in the cart. When disabled the quantity box for the main item is disabled and invisible in the accessory grid.



The Price Settings Tab

 Use the Price Settingstab to [description].



The Price Settings tab contains the following elements:

Price Settings Information
Hide ALL pricing from Anonymous visitors. Prevents Site visitors from seeing the Item prices unless they are logged into an Account.
Hide pricing when Add to Cart is disabled. Prevents Site visitors from seeing the Item prices when they do not have access to the Cart.
Default Customer pricing includes discounts. If you the pricing of your Default Customer is based on an external discount in SYSPRO, check this option.
Override Auto Load Price Globally. When the CyberStore pricing should universally override any specific Customer's pricing, use this option.
Web Override Price Customer Number The price code to use when overriding Customer Pricing Globally.
Enable Custom Call Link Enables a custom call pricing message and option al URL link when pricing is unavailable from SYSPRO.
Custom Call Link Label The "Call" text message.
Custom Call Link URL The optional "Call" URL that can be used as a link in the Call message.
Enable Zero Price Link Enables a custom pricing message when the price returned from SYSPRO is 0.00.
Custom Zero Price Link Label The zero price text message.
Custom Zero Price Link URL the optional zero price URL that can be used as a link on the zero price message.
Allow Zero price items for add to Cart Enables the ability to add lines to the Shopping Cart that have a price of 0.00.
Allow Display Pricing Change on Quantity Discount Enables the ability to auto-recalculate the price display as the quantity input is changed when quantity pricing is available.
Compound Item and Category Discounts When checked, Item and Category CyberStore discounts are combined, first applying the Category discount then the Item discount. When unchecked, the highest discount of the Item and Category discount is taken.
UOM Quantity Selection Type The UI option for grouping or price dropdown for multiple units of measure in the CatalogPricingControl.

The Quantity Settings Tab

 Use the Quantity Settingstab to configure site settings that affect inventory quantity.



The Quantity Settingstab contains the following settings:

Quantity Settings
Inventory Quantity Buffer Adjust inventory quantity numbers by this value to decrease the quantity displayed by the entered amount. Using this feature reduces globally the amount of stock on hand for all items before showing to the shopper.
Inventory Quantity Basis

Set which inventory availability column to use as the basis for inventory quantity display and logic.

Options are those available in SYSPRO:

  • On Hand Quantity
  • Available Quantity
  • Future Free
  • Unallocated Quantity

Additional Reading:

For more information about the on hand quantity basis, and how CyberStore uses it, see the Understanding Inventory Quantity Basis topic.

Display Inventory Quantity From

Determine whether inventory quantity is inclusive of all available warehouses or limited to specific Customer and Item warehouses.

Available options are:

  • All Available Warehouses
  • Prevailing Customer/Item Warehouse

In addition, if desired, inventory quantity displays can be further enhanced by checking the "Display Quantity Subtotals by Warehouse" option. Doing so will display a table of inventory quantities by warehouse for all warehouses that the item belongs and is avialalbe for CyberStore to access via web operator settings in SYSPRO.

Important Note:

It is not recommended that sites display inventory quantity sybtotals by warehouse when utilizing the CyberStore inventory buffer feature. Current business logic will display quanties by each warehouse, with each quantity being reduced by the buffer amount.

Additional Reading:

See the Calculating Item Inventory Quantity topic for information about how CyberStore determines inventory quantity for an Item.


Default Limited Available Message

A message that appears by default when there is a limited quantity of the Item in stock.
Default Limited Unavailable Message A message that appears by default when there is a limit to the quantity of an unavailable Item.
Default Unlimited Available Message A message that appears by default when there is no limit to the quantity of the Item that the Customer can purchase.
Default Unlimited Unavailable Message A message that appears by default when there is no limit to the quantity of an unavailable Item.
Minimum Lead Time The minimum number of days to show when displaying lead time.
Minimum Padding The minimum padding of days to transform the lead time into a range.
Default Lead Time Message

The lead time message.


Use the Replacement Tag [LEADTIME] within your leadtime message to display the lead time string (determined using the lead time settings s as setup in the Management Console in Site ManagerCatalog Configuration).

For example, the message "Usually Available in [LEADTIME]" might render as follows using the with a lead time of 2, a minimum of 3 and padding of 3:

"Usually Available in 3 - 5 days"


On Hand Quantity Exceeded Message

A message that appears when the Customer tries to purchase a greater quantity of the Item than there is available.


Use the Replacement Tags [QTY], [UOM] and [StockCode] within your on hand quantity exceeded message to display the inventory quantity (determined using the On Hand Quantity Basis as setup in the Management Console in Site ManagerCatalog Configuration), and the unit of measure.

For example, the message "Only [QTY] [UOM] of [StockCode] are in stock. " might render as follows using the unallocated quantity as a basis:

"Only 1,234 EA  of A100 in stock"


Enable Back-Order Message A box that, when checked, causes a message to appear to inform the Customer that an Item is on back-order. You can enter the custom message you would like to appear in the adjacent field.
Enable Available to Promise

A checkbox, that when checked forces Available to Promise (ATP) calculations will be used in addition to simple inventory lookup when validating if an item is available. Additionally, when ATP is enabled, shoppers must enter a requested ship date, or requested ship date range from the CustomerChangeRequestShipDateControl, and if a quantity entered is not available to ship on the reqeusted date, then the item cannot be added to the cart in that quantity.

Available to Promise Message - Populating this field with text allows for creating acustom ATP message.


Use the following Replacement Tags within the Available to Promise message:

  • [Qty] - the quantity available to promise by the requeseted ship date.
  • [UOM] - the unit of measure.
  • [StockCode] - the stock code of the item.
  • [RequestedDate] - the requested ship date entered by the shopper.
  • [RequestedEndDate] - the end date of the requested ship date range entered by the shopper (when used).

For example, the message "Only [Qty] [UOM] of [StockCode] are available to ship between [RequestedDate] and [RequestedEndDate]" would result in a parsed message that reads as follows:

"Only 12 EA of A100 are avialble to ship betwen 12/20/1999 and 12/28/1999"

ATP Exceeded Add to Cart Action - A checkbox that allows the user to choose what happens when an order exceeds the ATP quantity.

Max Days for Available to Promise - Setting this value sets the maximum number of days for ATP processing.

ATP Buffer - Setting this value allows a number of items in inventory to be excluded from purchase availability.

Implementation Note:

Any request in the future for a date that is more than the maximum days from today is considered to be available to promise.

For example:

If the maximum days is set to 150, and today is June 11th, then any quantity of any Item requested for shipment after November 8th will be automatically considered available to promise.

Hide quantity input when adding items to Shopping Cart A checkbox that when checked will hide the quanity input when adding items to Shopping Cart.

Add Up/Down arrows (Spinners) to Quantity input boxes


A checkbox that when checked will add Up and Down arrows to the quantity input boxes.

The Shopping Cart Tab

 Use the Shopping Carttab to [description].



The Shopping Cart tab contains the following elements:

Shopping Cart Information
Use Shopping Cart Description A description of the Shopping Cart which can be set to Default, Fields, or Text.
Shopping Cart Description Fields A written format of the shopping cart description.
Shopping Cart Concatenate String The pattern in which the description fields will be assembled for custom cart descriptions.
Disable Shopping Cart row consolidation by stock code A checkbox that when checked will disable shopping cart row consolidation by stock code.
Disable Save to Cart A checkbox that when checked will disable the ability to save a cart.
Redirect to Cart after Adding to Cart A checkbox that when checked will automatically redirect a shopper to the cart after adding an Item to the cart.
Enable Punch Out (requires Customer and Account settings) A checkbox that when checked will enable Punch Out. For more information on Enabling Punch Out for your CyberStore check Work Flows > Punch Out > Enabling Punch Out.
Save a copy of Punch Out XML to server A checkbox that when checked will save a copy of Punch Out XML to server
Server Path for Saving Punch Out XML A textbox for the path where punch out cXML files can be logged to on the server.
Prefix for Saved Punch Out XML Filename A textbox where one can set a series of characters that will pre-pend any punch out XML filename.

The Hot Spots Tab

 Use the Hot Spotstab to [description].



The Hot Spots tab contains the following sections:

Settings Information
General Options Width of Hot Spot Circle: The diameter of a Hot Spot in pixels.
Hot Spot Border Options

Override Default: Check this to allow the setting to override the Site configured default.

Enable Hot Spot Borders: Yes to enable, No to disable.

Border Width: The border width in pixels.

Border Color: The hexadecimal color for the border.

Border Color Opacity: The border's opacity - 100 = fully opaque, 0 = transparent

Hot Spot Fill Options

Override Default: Check this to allow the setting to override the Site configured default.

Enable Fill: Yes to enable, No to disable.

Fill Color: The hexadecimal color for the fill.

Fill Color Opacity: The fill opacity - 100 = fully opaque, 0 = transparent

Hot Spot Mouse Over Options

Override Default: Check this to allow the setting to override the Site configured default.

Enable Mouse Over: Yes to enable, No to disable.

Mouse Over Fill Color: The hexadecimal color for the fill.

Mouse Over Fill Opacity: The fill opacity - 100 = fully opaque, 0 = transparent

Hot Spot Selected Options

Override Default: Check this to allow the setting to override the Site configured default.

Enable Selected: Yes to enable, No to disable.

Selected Fill Color: The hexadecimal color for the fill.

Selected Fill Opacity: The fill opacity - 100 = fully opaque, 0 = transparent


The Templates Tab

 Use the Templatestab to [description].



The Templates tab contains the following sections:

Templates Information
Category Page Templates Drop down boxes that enable you to select which page templates apply to the top level category through the nth level sub category.
Item Page Templates

Item Detail:

SKU Detail:

See Also