CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Understanding Inventory Quantity Basis
In This Topic

The Inventory Quantity Basis determines how base inventory numbers are returned to CyberStore from SYSPRO. CyberStore offers you four options. Each of these quantities is based off of the value for the Inventory Quantity but determined in a slightly different way.

To adjust the manner in which you determine the quantity of an Item that a shopper can buy, select from the dropdown menu in Catalog Configuration > Quantity Settings.

On Hand Quantity

On Hand quantities are calculated by querying the total of on hand quantity (QtyOnHand).

Available Quantity

Available quantities are calculated by querying the total of available quantity (AvailableQty).

Future Free

Future Free quantities are a more complex formulat which is calculated by querying multimple quantity numbers - take the total of on hand quantity, add the total quantity in inspection, add the total quantity in transit, add the total quantiy on order, then subtract the total allocated quantity, and finally subtract the total quantity allocated to work in process.

FutureFree = (QtyOnHand + QtyInInspection + QtyInTransit + QtyOnOrder) - (AllocatedQty + QtyAllocatedWip)

Unallocated Quantity

Like Future Free, unallocated quantity employs a specific formula - unallocated quantities are calculated by taking the total of Available Quantity, and then subtact the total amounts allocated to work in process.

Unallocated Quantity = AvailableQty - QtyAllocatedWip

Allocated Quantity

Available in v2.21.7 and newer, allocated quantities are calculated by querying all warehouses available to the WEB Operatator and taking the total of Allocated Quantity.

See Also

Items and Categories


Site Manager
