CyberStore Oasis Documentation
Calculating Item Inventory Quantity
In This Topic

The basic formula for determining Item inventory quantity is calculated by taking the value from warehouse inventory for the On Hand Quantity Basis, subtracting any Inventory Buffer value, and then further reducing the value by any quantities of this Item that may be in either the Shopping Carts, or in progress Orders from the active sessions of all other shoppers from all Sites in the same CyberStore instance.

Factors that Affect the Inventory Quantity of an Item

The inventory quantity can be affected by various factors. Some of these determinants exist in SYSPRO, and some can have their origin in CyberStore.

Item is Added to Cart

When a shopper adds an Item to their Cart, the quantity of that Item is subtracted from the total quantity of that Item in stock. As a result, other shoppers see a reduced inventory quantityfor the Item once that shopper places it in their Cart. The inventory quantity remains as such unless the shopper completes an order, logs out, or their session times out, in which cases the value is restored.

Items in Check Out

When a shopper begins the process of checking out, the items and quantities of the lines in the order are subtracted from the total quatntiy ot those items in stock. This will redule the inventory quantities shown to other shoppers who are on the site simultaneiously. When the order is complete, the inventory calculation will shift into the normal SYSPRO query results based on the status of quantities in the actual sales order.

Item Is Restocked

When an Item is returned, removed from a shopper's Cart, or replenished in stock, the inventory quantity increases to reflect that addition.


An Item that is a kit consists of multiple parts with which it is sold. SYSPRO queries every part of a kit and lists the inventory quantity of the kit to be the same as its part with the lowest inventory quantity. This ensures that all kits being sold are complete. 

For example, say you are taking inventory of kits for a lamp. Each lamp consists of a stand and a lamp shade. You have 100 lamp stands and 75 lamp shades. As a result, your inventory quantityfor the lamp kits would be 75.


You can narrow the quantity of Items that you can sell to a shopper by using a buffer. To set a buffer that applies to all of your Items, go to Catalog Configuration > Quantity Settings. You can also set buffers for individual Items by going to Item Maintenance > Options. A buffer is a quantity that is subtracted from the total inventory quantity of the Item. One instance you might use this, a buffer can help to keep a quantity of the Item in stock if shoppers want to exchange the Item they received in the mail.

For example, say you have 100 green shirts in your warehouse, and you set a buffer of 5. You now have 95 green shirts available to be sold. A shopper could not place more than 95 of these shirts in their Cart.

Scope of Warehouses Used in Calculating

Available Warehouses

CyberStore can query quantities from warehouses to which access is granted. A warehouse is available to CyberStore when it is included in the list of warehouses that the CyberStore Web Operator is granted within SYSPRO operator settings.

By default inventory quantity will aggregate totals from all available warehouses to which an Item is stocked. So long as a warehouse is one of those granted access to the CyberStore Web Operator.

Introduced with v2.20, a site can be configured to display inventory quantities in each warehouse. The default is to disable this feature, but it can be enabled in the Site Manager's Catalog Configuration.

Prevailing Warehouse To Use

Additional options allow for the overriding the default warehouse aggregation by a prevailing Customer or Item setting. When the "Display inventory quantity From" option in the Site Manager > Catalog Configuration screen's Quantity Settings tab is set to "Prevailing Customer/Item Warehouse" and the shopper's CyberStore Customer is set to "Use Default Warehouse" in Customer Maintenance, then the inventory quantity value will only include the count from that warehouse for the inventory quantityBasis; however if the Item itself is set to use the "Warehouse to Use" in Item Maintenance, then only that warehouse will be used.

Important Note:

In order to restrict inventory quantities from the prevailing Customer or Item warehouse, the On Hand Quantity Basis in the Quantity Settings tab of the Site Manager > Catalog Configuration screen must be set to the "Available Qty" option, all other options will aggregate totals from all available warehouses.

Keep in mind that the the list of available warehouses to CyberStore is managed in SYSPRO using the list of available Warehouses in the Operator's Settings options. 

Additional Quantity Settings

The availability of an Item can be determined by one or more parameters that you choose.

Limiting Order Quantities to Inventory Quantity

If a shopper attempts to place a higher quantity of an Item than you have available into their Cart, CyberStore reduces the quantity to the maximum number available to that Customer and provides a customizable message regarding the adjustment.

If you choose to limit an Item's availability based on the number of units you have in stock, shoppers may attempt to order more units than are available. In such instances, the number of Items in their Cart is reduced to the maximum number available. If there are no units available at all, then the shopper cannot add the Item to the Cart. You can customize messages that the shopper receives during such instances within the Item Maintenance and Catalog Configuration screens.


If you do not opt to limit your shoppers to only ordering from the available inventory, shoppers can back-order an Item. This means that they can order more units than are currently in stock. To permit or prevent this, go to Item Maintenance > Options.

When the Item is back-ordered, CyberStore notifies the shopper of this before proceeding to checkout. You can set the customizable back-order message in Catalog Configuration > Quantity Settings.

Available to Promise (ATP)

If your site is setup to enable the use of Available to Promise (ATP), then the shopper is required to select a desired ship date, or ship date range when they login to the site. Then as they add items to the cart, the quantity desired will be compared against the ATP data stored in CyberStore (that has previously been synchronized with SYSPRO ATP information) to determine if the quantity should be available come the ship date/ship range.

Settings for Available to Promise can be configured in the Site Manager's Catalog Configuration > Quantity Settings tab, and also in the Customer Class > Customers > Customer Maintenance screen in the Settings tab.

See Also