CyberStore Oasis Documentation
The CyberStore Event Log
User's Guide > The Management Console > Tools Menu Overview > The CyberStore Event Log

The "CyberStore Event Log" allows you to provides access to review system wide events that have been logged. These can include warnings, errors, alerts etc.

To access the log in the Console menu, go to Tools > Event Log.

When the screen has loaded, the "CyberStore Event Log" appears on the screen.



Viewing Event Data

The "Event Log" contains the following sections:

Event Log Information
Date Stamp The date and time an event occurred.
Module The application layer where the event occurred.
Severity A number indicating the impact of the event on normal processing. Values range from the least impactful at a low of 0 to the most impactful at a high of 9.
Number The numerical code for the event.
Session Keys A snapshot of the values in the application's Session at the time of the event.
Query Strings A snapshot of the values of any Query Strings attached to the page at the time of the event.
Product Version The product version at the time of the event.
Message A message providing details about the event.
Site The Site on which the event occurred.

When you click View for a specific event, you can also see the details about that event.




Further Action

At the bottom of the "CyberStore Event Log," there is a row of buttons. The buttons provide you with additional options for working with the materials in the log. These include:

Further Action with Event Log
Search The Search box allows you to type in characters and then the grid will filter down to entries that have the searched string somewhere in one of the columns. The search expression will be highlighted in line as well.

Purge Errors from Database

Clears the entire Event Log permanently deleting the data. This action cannot be undone.
Refresh Updates the log to contain the most recent events.
License Manager Navigation to the CyberStore License Manager maintenance screen.
Refresh CyberStore Console Reloads the Management Console.